I saw that Mii...
But i forgot where, could have been online. Now wheres my Money for that Info?
Look closely at the picture below. Have you seen this man Mii before? Because Japanese police suspect its owner was involved in a recent hit and run incident. Wii_Mii_police_hunt This Mii could have been in a hit and run incident Cops in the Kanagawa area of Japan have begun sticking up pictures of the Nintendo Mii in the …
Surely the perp would be easy to spot; they'd be driving a go-kart with a white steering wheel about the size of a saucer, with no steering column, being chased by an ape, a mutant tortoise, a mushroom and a bizarre (and, let's face it, slightly hot) princess in a peach dress!
Mines the one with the fishing rod cloud on the back..
Psst.... Most, if not all, police departments stopped using actual sketch artists years ago, in favor of the standardized IdentiKit. Originally a set of clear acetate overlays with variously-shaped heads, eyes, noses, etc. (each with a code-number); a semi-reasonable composite could be created, and then the codes could be transmitted, allowing anyone with an Identi-Kit to create the composite, rather than faxing the drawing out shotgun-style. Nowadays, of course, it's all computerized.
@ Andy Barber:
"How could El Reg get caught out by such an obvious Mii-m?"
I fixed that for you. <gr>
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Well, Miis can get pretty realistic. My Mii avatar actually looks a lot like myself, almost a mirror image if I must say so. Yes, I actually looked at spent two hours crafting the Mii while regularly looking myself in the mirror.
I guess they must be throwing out those 4 million+ yen dedicated photofitting software in favor of Wiis, since it could pretty much do the same thing at a fraction of the cost. Plus, it has the potential to occupy the officers on slow days.
Much better than sitting around a table eating bagels and drinking coffee IMO.