back to article Kurdish spyware suspect faces espionage charges

A suspect who allegedly used spyware to snoop on Turkish government computers on behalf of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) faces charges punishable by up to ten years behind bars in Turkey. The supposed perp, identified only by his initials "R Ç", allegedly planted the malicious code on x-rated websites. He succeeded in …


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  1. amanfromMars Silver badge

    Grow up, Girls and Boys ...... Secrecy is Dead. Get Used to IT

    "Data reportedly recovered from the suspect's computer included documents showing evidence of an "online friendship" with Murat Karayilan, the commander of PKK in northern Iraq."

    Oh FFSStop! You couldn't make it up, but try they do. And media follows like a lovelost forlorn puppy .

  2. Wyrmhole


    You thought your gov't had crappy IT security? Try a Turkish goverment computer on for size.

  3. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    Another extradition request ?

    Let me see if this rings any bells : a guy finds his way into a foreign governments' military IT structure, extracts data and sells it off. This obviously has nothing in common with another guy purposely hacking into a foreign governments' military IT structure to find if UFOs exist or not without selling anything to anyone afterwards.

    So, if that other guy is supposed to be extradited and brought to trial in said foreign country because of the horrendous damage he did, then this guy might as well hang himself now and be done with it.

    No ?

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