No Linux? Blah
This machine sounds great, except I will not buy a machine with Windows on it.
@First post:
"Proof if it were needed... ...that the public do not want Linux with all these Windows XP netbooks coming out. "
The company not shipping one makes no argument over demand. OTHER models that have a XP and Linux version have had brisk Linux sales.
"There's not even any real argument over price as Windows XP is so cheap and most major OpenSource projects run on Windows as well."
There's not an argument over price. It's $25-35. Or even worse on brit models, 25-35 pounds. I deeply object to sending even MORE money to Microsoft for something I will not use. Either knock a bit off on a Linux model, throw in some little extra hardware.. or hell, just pocket the $25. I'll even be fine with it just going to Asus over knowing it goes to Microsoft (PLUS Microsoft I'm sure falsely using this as proof of Windows' popularity.)
" If there is a Linux version, expect it to come out on lower-spec hardware (seems to be the fashion with these things)."
This would be OK with me. If I got one a little slower, but 10+ hour battery life instead of 9.5.. well 9.5 is already a lot, but I do not really need the "extra" speed. Maybe make a Linux one that they can get the price back down $100 or so.