The database
Ooooo it's in the DATABASE, so it must be RIGHT
Is there no promising young psychologist who wishes to research this fallacy -or perhaps more aptly named- cognitive bias??
We at work have trouble enough as it is keeping the online internal phone register up to date. Not because of the database itself, but because HR doesn't achieve more than a 95% notification rate when it comes to informing IT of changes.
Does the gov honestly think it will ever reach 95% accuracy in their databases? What with all the "I forgot to file a mutation", "to busy, not gotten round to, I just work here and didn't know, I'm just a temp", and erroneous filed requests along with all the normal miscommunications, the assumptions in the category "I thought that someone else..." and all the "yeah I thought it wasn't right, but the database said..." that fills the working days of the civil servant?
If the source isn't 100% reliable, then the database isn't 100% reliable.
Skull&bones, for all the people who mistakingly where marked as dead, and the bureaucratic hell they had to endure before they could be officially alive again. We remember them dearly ;-)