I for one...
welcome our new piss swilling overlords!
Why have they not followed the lead of Blackadder and Baldrick on their sailing trip to the new world?
It's the one with the suspitious stains down the front
NASA has announced that the first astronauts to survive in orbit by drinking their own recycled urine will meet their public on live TV next Wednesday. Four of the six members of the planned Expedition 20 crew for the International Space Station (ISS) will give a media briefing, according to the space agency. Expedition 20 …
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You just reminded me of that Spanish song called "Mi Aguita Amarilla" (My Yellow Water)... which describes precisely how the guy takes the piss, and his "yellow water" makes its way to the sea, passing through the water YOU drink, drunk by the cows YOU eat, and eventually the fish you also eat.
Even here in good ole Earth we have to filter our water before drinking, otherwise we would still get cholera from drinking tap water. (Ok, in some countries you still have to filter tap water as well, but that's another story.)
Damn you, Page; your headline made it sound as if NASA was going to telecast live TV of the first bottles of recycled piss being drunk aboard the ISS, perhaps followed by a cut to a shot of the Mission Commander licking his lips and declaring "Mmmm, great piss!". Now, I sure as hell would've tuned in for _that_.
But no, we just get them sitting at a press briefing, just _talking_ about how they're going to be the first piss-drinkers in space. Big damn' deal.
<cue nasty fetish jokes here>
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The Apollo astronauts always say that the one question they always get asked is about what the toilet arrangements were. So I don't know if it's comforting or not that here we are, 40 years later, and still the one detail that excites the most interest is still talk about wee.
Any aliens that chose to contact us in future better be prepared that the first thing we're going to want to know is how they handle spending a penny in the depths of space. Other technological and sociological chit-chat can wait.
The human race ; conqueror the universe one urinal at a time.