Oooooh Vlad,
you bitch!
Michael Dell might think twice about dishing out a sales pitch to a world leader in the future after Russian prime minister Vladimir Putin very publicly dissed his patronising offer of help. The founder of computer giant Dell attended the opening ceremony of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland yesterday. Putin had …
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According to a relative of mine who had the misfortune of living in the great USSR, the real reason for the downfall was their prohibition of alcohol, nothing else. They lost a great deal of tax revenues as a result and the people hoarded all the foodstuffs required to make their own vodka. Unhappy plebs + no money = change of govornment.
Personally, I'd pay to see Putin bitch slapped. It's the least he deserves for locking up, harrassing, suppressing and murdering anyone that doesn't agree with him.
It doesn't matter how much anyone dislikes people like Michael Dell, Bill Gates etc, they're still pussycats compared to someone like Vlad.
There must be some Godwinesque correlation between the admiration felt for Putin and his ilk and the unpopularity of their targets.
Exactly. There are two ways to participate in an economy: helping it to grow, or parasitically living off of it while holding back growth. Mr. Dell wasn't trying to be condescending; he just wanted to give the impression that he wasn't trying to be a parasite. I think Mr. Putin's view of the world is that everyone wants to be a parasite, even if some end up being useful by accident, so anyone who claims other intentions must think he is talking to an idiot.
Two men - one a totalitarian with a penchant for hurting people, the other a monomaniac with no sense of social justice (you get to pick) - get into a minor translation difficulty at a conference for the elite of the world. One of them got what he deserved (you get to pick). The other got yet more worldwide publicity. (You get......etc.)
Russia needs no help? Pull out the internet cables that connect you to the rest of the world, and then tell us how far you get. By snail mail obviously.
Russia would still be in the hole if it wasn't for the rising fuel prices. If no one bought it from Russia then they'd quickly go back that way until they managed to rebuild a proper economy. Buyers and sellers outside of a monopoly will always be helping each other, or they quickly go out of business. If Putin thinks that Russia doesn't currently receive help (in the form of knowledge about new technology/science/medicine at least) then he really doesn't understand anything about how the global community works - and WW3 is coming.
I've read that the Central Committee vetted the price of everything sold in the Soviet Union and because the prices set had no relation to the costs of inputs, the entire economy eventually went south.
At the risk of incurring our Divine Moderatrix's wrath, I can't help but remark how this reminds me of NuLabour. My flabber is regularly gasted by news of some NuLab initiative aimed at some trivial aspect of society, just as the Central Committee from time to time debated the price of overcoats. It appears that neither political system (has) grasped that all-important principle, "don't sweat the small stuff."
But then, what else does the word "totalitarian" mean but political oversight of the totality of life?
I dislike Putin, but I hate people who use market speak. Actually, I hate marketeers, all of them.
Putin probably understood Dell very well, he just used it as an opportunity to tell the whole western world Russia does not need them, they need Russia.
On an another note, few people are as touchy as invalids about people asking if they need help...
"@Translation Error
By Anonymous Coward Posted Thursday 29th January 2009 15:29 GMT
Exactly. There are two ways to participate in an economy: helping it to grow, or parasitically living off of it while holding back growth. Mr. Dell wasn't trying to be condescending; he just wanted to give the impression that he wasn't trying to be a parasite. I think Mr. Putin's view of the world is that everyone wants to be a parasite, even if some end up being useful by accident, so anyone who claims other intentions must think he is talking to an idiot."
Wasn't it Lenin who said something about "useful idiots"?
Translation is incorrect. There was NO any bitchslap. Good Dell. Of course, there are waves raised, "Oh, Yukos, Dell and others..." - people love theories, no problem. But this specimen of translation was professionally thrown into widespread rotation. Would be nice to know from the community, who paid for this so generously? I yet have no applicable dossier to state definitely, so I'd-just-question if one of The Toros was to be pre-charged with an intent to put Mr Put_In into an unconvinient position for being immediately attacked within the ongoing discussion.
I'd only remind the honorable Post-Reader(-; that the remote Siberian village pays 1/12 of their salary for 128k unlimited Internet and find it not too expensive, as it was ~1/7 just a year ago, for the lucky ones who could drop a cable. And, in view of coming of president Medvedev to this village in a week, there's a hope to have either salary got risen, or cost of the traffic got lowered. Ha-ha. Here one can laugh.
And re> amanfromMars 29 Jan 17:39 -
as "Russia" is feminine, so the country probably really needs a tsaress, beautiful at her youth as Catharina Secunda were, well-brought and, yes, Channel Reader, IT-friendly. All she needed when needed anything was just ask her still young at heart men who passed her the power on edge of the spade. But this is not exactly what Mr Dell mentioned, esp. considering two Putin's daughters (-:
Smiley, because there were great laughters and ROFLs heard amongst the highlanders.
"Posted anonymously for obvious reasons" .... By Anonymous Coward Posted Thursday 29th January 2009 20:20 GMT.
Frightened chicken/cowed citizen/pathetic man? Vladimir talks Common Sense, ...what's not to like.
Sheesh what a load of Jessies you must be, to be frightened to be anyone other than an Anonymous Coward ....... as if that would stop anyone taking an Interest in One if he [for it is invariably the weaker species of human] had anything worthwhile to say.
And yes, Soviet Style Satellite States are Masters@Open Sourcing Software and that easily Renders to them XXXXtraOrdinary Control of Hardware Systems by and for Remote and Virtual Proxy Use.
Grow Up FFS ..... Get AI Life and Live IT in the Heat of the Sun rather than skulking around in the Closet waiting for Darkness to Hide your Fear and Ignorance for yet another Dull Day/Zombie Dawn.
It is a Simple Fact ...... If you cannot behave as Free-Minded and Attractive Alien Beings/Humans, Media will present to you, with ITs Revisionary Future Planning Programmes, Evolving Landscapes and Revolving/Spinning Political Climates, which will Shape Different Time Zones and Plunder/Use their Naturally Occuring Indigenous Assets to a SMART Media Moguls Plan. ....... which would be something Real and New, as they certainly do not Presently Exist.
And that would be a QuITe Priceless Commodity for Sale but which you would never expect to Own whenever Buying In is all that is Required 42 Control IT with Transparent TXXXXT .... NEUKlearer HyperRadioProActive IT.
Shake those Spider Cobwebs out of your Brain, El Reg, and Start Thinking about Leading with IT rather than Drinking the Phish you are Poured and Reporting on the Hangover and the Hangers On.
After All, IT is not as if you Actually have to be Able or Enabled to do a Great Deal [although that is always a Most Welcome, Mutually Beneficial Bonus dDeserved of, and Always Obscenely Rewarded with Sticky Sweet Desserts] whenever uReadership supplies you with Everything you are Ever likely to Need for Feed.
And as one who would very rarely ever say ever, because of the transient nature of time and ideas [invariably situations are only a fleet of temporal conveniences in Future Changes which have already been Sown as Seeds 42 Grow] ............
Putin is well worth observing because he is an entirely new kind of political leader:
Putin openly runs prototypes and small scale tests whenever he wants to introduce a policy; He observes the outcome, gauge the wailing, complaints, counts the number of death-threats from oligarchs e.t.c. and actually adjusts policies according to the results!
Secondly, Putin works for Russia. Putin openly does not give a crap about "the international community", "globalisation" or whatever bad stuff happens to funny people in strange places - as long as it does not interfere with Russian interests.
This attitude is entirely unique in the world to day.
Observe f.ex. the European politicians that are more or less permanently working against their own citizens in the hope of earning lucrative do-nothing job for the EU, UN or NATO in nice an tax-free sunny location. .... Like the one Tony Blair got ;-)
And who needs the latest Hardware whenever it doesn't do what is is supposed to Do and Supply, unless presumably it can be kept Exclusive and Secret for Personal Enrichment, of course ........
Just what Sort of a JackAss, Mickey Mouse Operation were the Republican Retards Running when Exercising Administrative Rights and Issuing Executive Orders? Sub Prime Frauds and Ponzi Fronts for Global Money Laundering of Federal Funds Bail Outs to Special Accounts for their Retirement Years Dodging Investigations?
Yeah, I know. A Rhetorical Question requiring No Answer to say Yes.
Ok, so if we overlook the rather inelegant suppression of opposition parties and rubbing out of journalists for a moment, you can't honestly say that you would not like to have national leader like Putin.
Like it or not, he is the most savvy world leader today. He's transformed Russia and greatly improved the standard of living of it's citizens by bringing stability and a (gradually) increasing distribution of wealth. Most importantly, he is not intimidated by the US and rightly says that a world dominated by a single superpower is more dangerous than one with a careful balance of power. George Bush proved that point for all of us.
It's just unfortunate that he lacks the elegance to win elections without suppressing the opposition, but there again who are we to talk, ZaNuLabour have started that themselves in recent months.
El Reg - don't go eating any sushi offered to you by members of the Labour party
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"He's transformed Russia and greatly improved the standard of living of it's citizens by bringing stability and a (gradually) increasing distribution of wealth."
Or in other words, he got lucky for a few years as the increasingly silly oil price papered over the gaping chasms in the Russian economy.
"a careful balance of power" - meaning that his only objection to small countries being terrorized by a larger one is if the US is doing the bullying.
Putin is a prick - now that the price of oil and metals is in the toilet, the Russian economy will fall apart, meaning that millions of citizens are about to pay the price for Pooty-poots obsession with playing Mighty Tsar when he should have been sorting out the plumbing. He might not be as dumb as W, but he's no better as a leader.
I'd remind of an informal movement in Russia somewhere between 1988 and 1998, it was called "Don't Pay Taxies". The father-founders of this movement are to be "caught and persecuted" [W]. So, to "play by the rules offered by Harvard Project", those spooky men and women created a rapidly grown businesses. Fast money were used to balance the operating personalities at the Russian side of the field. Same ways of producing and increasing das Kapital as on the West, but a hundred more times faster. After a secluded surgeonary help to them from a few qualified specialists, West now just faces what it thinks it had created. Well, there were days I really thought Russians really surrendered West. I was too young to know... and ones there are too stupid to understand... or just scared to say this on public where their money invested in Russian "democracy/republic" are now and whom they are working for (-;
So for ten tears the Russian officials had to run 15 to 50 % of planned tax collection from business, add low oil cost. These were the years of setting up an informal economy, probably the one that was mentioned by "agitated" amanfromMars @ 29 Jan 17:39.
People of the state helped their families by themselves mutually (can you imagine a family which salary is not paid for six months, bringing a child and paying for the tube and electricity?), Almost any other "highly developed"country of a western way would cope up with the problem considering a scale of such a large and geographically wide-spread community; good people say it was WWII that made them behave themselves like relatives, not volves. United, they stand.
It turned so that most of the largest businesses in Russia were made by crooks and their people's traitors of the same scale in a post-Soviet era. So nobody really gives a sht how they feel now.
I think it will take a year or two for most economies to return to the previous point. And there are just another heavy three years for Russia to get same well, continuing to grow up the number of births. It'sa well-balanced country and I'm pretty sure that community - not communist - Russians will again cope up with the problems.
Of course, with a good return, some new hardware would be useful... I say - new, Mr Dell.
"is accused of crimes by the paranoid Americans , with very little evidence."
And the "paranoid" Russians, other Europeans... everybody.
Obviously Putin is no saint, and the term criminal would apply if he was not immune to such petty matters because of his huge power.
"He has not been responsible for thousands of deaths (like in Iraq) like that alleged Christian Bush."
You are right about Bush. But let's not ignore Chechnya (and in general all Russia and any place close enough, Putin's "invisble hand" reaches even to London), ok?
And Putin is also Christian, as much as Bush (i.e. they pretend to be though they really don't care, except for the support by sect leaders and other self-proclaimed fanatics, as well as the pious self-alienating masses, that they gather that way).
In brief: they are about the same crap. But while Putin actually exerts his power, Bush was never anything but a figurehead for the shadowy gang behind him. That's probably why many admire/fear Putin while nobody really has any real strong emotion (maybe pity, disgust, frustration - sympathy among his voters maybe - but never anything really strong) for Bush.
.... and about Putin,
as opposed by the faboulous democratic leaders who just follow american orders in that hotbed of democracy like, say, Georgia whose leader was sending police to beat opposition (*) some months before try to free South Ossetia
(*) this was even reported in English media, who have the made of Russia bashing a pillar of their media strategy.
ah, make a test by yourself, try to find how much is reported in western media that Ukraine stops Russian TV in Ukraine (there are vast area of ethnical Russian there) or the passport
policy of Baltic states....