Right Then
You lot keep promising me freakin' sharks with freakin' lasers on their heads but haven't delivered. Snap to it boys I want one for my... umm.... aquarium, yeah aquarium that's it /cue evil laughter =P.
The US Air Force has made an appeal for a range of new technologies which it will need in building its planned new arsenal of aerial rayguns. In particular, it wants large artificial optically-correct diamonds for use as portholes through which to shoot electropulse microwave blaster cannons. Under its "Directed Energy [Weapon …
No Phase Plasma rifle in the 40-Watt range?
Also, the "bucket-o-sunshine" description of a nuke made me chuckle, what other phrases are used to describe instant death by nuke?
The military come up with some wonderful phrases to try and sanitize killing, maiming or just blowing shit up. For instance, "Friendly Fire" to describe killing your own side. Anyone got any others?
Back on topic, my guess is that a optically correct diamond, 2.5 inches across would cost a bit to make, if indeed it can currently be made.
Maybe they could talk to they Austrian blokes and see if their basalt-fibre whatsits can do the trick?
"...while similar in usage to carbon fibre and fibreglass, it's tougher than the latter and cheaper than the former. It is also fully recyclable and has a specific tenacity three times that of steel. At least that's what is says here.
The basalt-fibre body panels will apparently be transparent giving the car the appearance of being made of glass..."
What's with the sharks with lasers obsession?
Just an observation, but sharks scare people, and they tend to move away from them very quickly!! Why not mount the lasers on dolphins instead, they'd have a much better chance of getting close up before blasting bad guys (and girls) right between the eyes! :-D
You'd think that with the massive economic problems currently facing the US, the powers-at-be would call a halt to R&D of such exotic weaponry. As Rep. Ron Paul said this week "...the problem is nobody wants to cut the American Empire, even Obama's Administration wants to increase spending overseas and increase military spending. As long as you want to run the World Empire... you cannot solve this problem."
90Watts/Lb is roughyl 200 Watts/Kg (Translating from the merkin) a large shark is good for tackling man sized prey so capable of wielding a good 100Kg's say half that since the shark has to lug it around all day so, looks like the shark will only put out 10KW.
Probably is enough for the shorter ranges one would expect a shark to operate at.