Low power?
In other words, it has crap performance.
/me waits for a better 2TB drive.
Unable to prevent stocked Australian suppliers releasing details, Western Digital has effectively pre-announced its record-breaking 2TB Caviar Green drive. A Czech website listed the drive before Christmas. WD's 2TB Caviar Green drive The WD20EADS is a 3.5-inch, 4-platter unit spinning at 7,200rpm with a 3Gbit/s SATA …
You might be surprised to hear this, but some of us actually prefer low power. It's the whole point of the WD Green line. The main benefit of these drives (to some at least) is significantly reduced noise. You performance-above-all-else nuts can keep your noisy, whiny components.
@Reg: I thought it was a 5,400rpm drive, not 7,200? Or is that just the lower capacity models?
... in 1981 fitting a phone in an office, I asked "what is that wurring noise I can hear?"
The customer replied, "oh that's the Winchester in the Word Processor."
"How big is it?" I asked.
The customer puffed up his chest & said "10 Megabytes!"
I said "what on earth do you need so much memory for?"
Mines the one with a ZX81 programmers guide in the pocket.
""A REAL computer has ONE speed and the only powersaving it permits is when you pull the power leads out of the back!" I blurt. "In fact, a REAL computer would have a hole in the front to push trees into and an exhaust pipe out the back for the black smoke to come out of.""
The flame icon, for obvious reasons...
I'm with Mr Hell up there. Speed and to a certain extent power, aren't really an issue for me. I just want a drive to work reliably and look after my data for somewhere in the region of five years. If it can do that, and its fast enough for standard def multimedia, then I'm probably happy enough.
At one point I made a nice line of old Caviar drives I had lying around the office - something like 80mb, 120mb, 260mb, 500mb, 1gb, 2gb... Guess I'll have to do some more digging to complete the collection.
The 2gb drives were probably pretty good ca. 1997... doesn't seem that long ago, somehow. But to my 6-month-old son, that 2tb drive will be what 8" floppies are to me.
Presumably that means my grandson will think that fifty million terabyte hard drives are wretched relics from a crude era, and that 16 zettabyte memory sticks will be in Wal-Mart for twenty-five bucks.
Actually having read TOOL of the weeks comment about LOW power consumption making it a dud drive - well think in terms of it as EFFICIENT power consumption.
By parking the heads off the drive when they are not needed to read or write - there is a HEAP of molecular surface drag - just been eliminated.
I recently bought 3 x 750 Gig green drives and I am really IMPRESSED.
Where I live - at night it is SO quiet - as in total silence - and with my open case system, I was really hard pressed to determine if the drives were actually spinning or not.
I think high efficiency anything is always a good move.
And with 2 Terrabyte of storage space, now I can finally stick a picture of my entire penis on the drive.
Hows that!