In no particular order, and directed at nobody in particular:
Some of us Yanks appreciate Brit TV comedies. It is quite common, with old shows being replayed on most PBS stations nation-wide. Most folks also get "BBC America" on either satellite or cable ... although the comedy on the later has been lacking, recently.
The original AbFab has been on the air here in the USofA on and off since the early or mid '90s. It got old after a couple seasons. The concept is good, but the writing lacked staying power, and the re-runs are completely unwatchable for folks with any grasp of memory.
No, "Cybill" wasn't a re-hashed AbFab. It was based on lead actress Cybill Shepherd's experiences in Hollywood ... CBS canceled the show because it was too close to what happened in reality when an actress matured. Especially a smart, funny actress with a body that doesn't resemble a 14 year old boy.
Small Brit convertibles won't be re-built as mid-70s American gargantu-cars ... rather, small Brit convertibles were an upgraded re-hash on late '20s American middle-of-the-road Model Ts. Personally, I absolutely love my '48 MG-TC and '54 Morgan +4. Yeah, they are a pain in the butt sometimes ... but once you've driven one, there is nothing to replace the experience. There is likewise nothing to replace the experience of driving my '70 Mercury Cougar convertible, or my '70 Pantera or my '65 Sunbeam Tiger. Vive le difference! :-)
Irony ... Meaning "godlike" ... Thanks in advance, Spider, for allowing me to twist that ;-)
The TV show "The Office" sucked, on both sides of the pond.
All so-called "drama" shows suck. (Someone should tell Hugh Laurie that he's not doing his career any good with "House" ... IMO, of course.)
Yes, some Yank comedy is pretty good. But the vast majority of it sucks. Kinda like everything else in the rest of the world. I think it was Sturgeon’s Law that said "Ninety percent of everything is crap" ... Pick the good bits, reject the rest, & run with it.