This wouldn't be a problem...
If, as part of the national school curriculum, logic, cross-referencing, debate and general cynicism was taught every day as a lesson with as much importance as say Maths or English. How much crap could a newly birthed adult avoid if they were taught about reading up on things, reading more than one source, reading from often wildly opposing sources, reading up on how that topic came to be shaped the way it is today, etc?
So many of life's pit-falls; crap insurance, credit cards, advertising, the media, politicians, the police, the "truth", are all encountered by a fresh crop of cannon fodder each year as a new batch of teens pogo into adulthood. If only reason and rational thinking were taught in school; logic, scientific scrutiny and general "real life lessons", so many repeated, learned mistakes could be avoided. And when my proposed new adult goes online and gets continuous Wiki pages, he/she would actively look for other pages from different sources so as to get a broader view and thus get closer to the truth. Said person would actively look for the sponsor behind any swervey or newspaper article and treat all new information with a healthy degree of skepticism.
I think this used to be the way schooling was, some time ago, perhaps put across in a subtle way, i.e. through the teachings of Diogenes or something equally Greek and/or abstract, but the principles of discernment were there. We need them back. Won't happen though.
We could all become, instead of a Web 2.0 crowd, a Page 2.0 crowd in that we automatically ignore everything on Page 1 of Google for a week/month/year and as resident-in-household IT bods, tell everyone we know that Page 1 is passé and if you want real information, go to Page 2 onwards. Try to start a trend to avoid all the shopping-price-comparison "Do you want to buy hypothyroidism?" links, or "Buy Israeli War Crimes cheap at eBay!", etc.
Page 2 - ooh it could be the name of a Boy Band / super-pop-sensation-duo!