AC slams brain-training study.
I never believed, or heard advertised, that brain training games were *better* than a pen and paper. Just that they excercised your brain. So "Alain Lieury, Imbecile Extraordinaire" has already done the wrong research.
Then there's the notion that the same puzzle presented on a screen can somehow tax the brain less than on paper. That's as stupid as saying that the screen version is somehow better. Unless perhaps the good proffesor finds it that difficult to think AND use a pen.
I'm also guessing that the "intelligence tests" that he performed at the end of his research were very similar or the same as the paper puzzles he set. Any way you cut it the final meaasures are tainted by the fact that they have to be similar to the tests themselves.
“it is charlatanism to claim that it is a scientific test.”
Prof Lieury, on his recent study
Then, from the Telegraph:
“If it doesn’t work on children, it won’t work on adults,” concluded Prof Lieury
Wow, scientific stuff. So he's said there's definately no chance that doing puzzles on a screen uses any brainpower, based on the worthless results of a pointless test, wheras using paper instantly makes the puzzle itself more worthwhile.
It still amazes me that anyone listens to the proffesor types. Most of them are basically too incompitent to make it in the real world, so they just sort of stay at their university. It just makes me angry that people actually listen to a man with just barely the level of competence required not to choke to death on his own tie.