Blah Blah Blah
Same toss every time: someone bitching that it doesn't have a 7”, 1920x1200 screen and runs the most popular OS. Ooooh, 10 inches, I won't be able to lift it! Now complaining that it has more than 8GB storage and a battery that lasts all day? WTF is that all about?
And this crap about 'your supposed to have another, bigger computer at home'; say's who, Intel? Have you tried thinking that through? 1.6 Ghz/ 2GB/ 160GB *is* a proper computer, it’s more powerful than the four y/old Thinkpad I run my business on and not everyone wants to fanny around syncing machines the way you or I do. What do you do when your daughter goes off to university? “Here you go dear, we got you a lovely netbook for your homework, fits nicely in your bag ....oh, and you'd better take this 25KG Quad Core tower and 24" monitor with you too, just in case you need to do more than piss about on facebook.”
Stand near the high street displays for 30 seconds; listen to what netbook customers are asking staff for. They don't want a screen they can't read, hardly any want Linux and they'll bring them back when they find a SSD is too small to store anything on. Just because they don't buy the lower spec Linux models you prefer, doesn't mean they're idiots. They do know what they want, believe it or not.