"on charges of production of a controlled substance and mischief".
Our lawmakers should take note, if we must have so many new laws can we at least name them in a more fun way... ".. and mischeif".
A British Columbia man can consider himself well and truly busted after his 11-month-old son accidentally dialled 911, leading cops to dad's dope plantation. According to the Canadian Press, Mounties received an emergency call from a residence in White Rock last Friday morning, but "whoever was on the other end of the line …
So the police turn up, see that the phone call was made by the toddler, and then searched the house anyway. I mean, did they even have a warrant?
I can understand why so many people think the police are arseholes. "Oh, we're in a house, we might as well search it." Talk about a fishing trip.
Mind you, 500 plants can't be easy to hide. They could probably smell them from the front door.
To those wondering on what grounds they searched the house, might I suggest that a pot-head with a toddler who was completely unaware his infant had been playing with a phone, for some period of time, tends to arouse reasonable suspicion of neglect, if nothing else. I think it would be neglectful for them not to have had a look around to make sure the kid was safe.
After all, it must have been a fair few minutes between the first phone call, them trying to call back, turning up, they had been knocking (no answer), then they break in? You've got to be looking at the best part of 15mins and the guy was unaware of anything?
I know you like to see black helicopters around every corner but, come on!
they did that because they received a call and they had to conform that it is true that "nothing is the matter." They have no reason to believe that the man didn't _hide_ the original caller somewhere.
I believe that in some cases if you call 911 (999, 112) and just hang-up, they will first call you back. If you do _NOT_ pick-up, they will send someone over and they _WILL_ take a look around the place and make sure that it is a _false_ alarm.
Who knows, you might have kidnapped someone and _that_ person is the one who made the call while you (the house owner) insist that everything is fine.
IT angle? the kid is going to be the next BOFH
I suspect that there is a policy of having a look around as they have watched those films where the hero(ine) calls 911,999,112,etc but the villain pulls the phone out of the wall then ties them up in the basement. Passes phone to toddler and looks innocent when the cops turn up.
Its got to be better they search than the hero having to pretend to seduce the villain and then stabbing them with an improvised weapon made out of a shelf bracket. If nothing else we can all get out of the cinema half an hour earlier.
Simple really, if someone's just been killed as they called the police, does the killer only need an infant and a prop to get away with it?
I'm no great fan of the police, but they have excellent reasons to check that when an emergency call is made that they're investigating the event properly.
Although if they were as apathetic as people here would like, it would make an excellent crime thriller plot. "Murderer misleads police by staying at the scene of the crime and using a baby"
...So what!!!
The guy had 500 illegal plants in there. 1 criminal arrested. Job done. Lets have a few more.
At a guess though, I would say that the smell was rather suspicious as well as the guy acting very cagey (well, if I had 500 plants and the coppers were there, I would be a tad anxious too).
We don't get the full picture in small articles like this, cos basically, we don't need em. Its a quaint story and an advertisement for child locks on phones when you have a nipper (and something illegal in yer house).
Good stuff reg
My nipper did the same thing recently.
If a suspicious call is recieved the police are obliged to make sure you are not holding somebody against their will/beating up the mrs etc etc so a cursory search is required. Its thier job. Still by the time they got to mine the bairn had hung up the phone and was sitting on the potty... they didn't stay long.
With that many plants, yes, they'd have smelt it very quickly on entering the property. Searching in this instance wouldn't mean the usual 'no stone unturned' that a warrant is required for, this would just be a case of opening the right door.
Honestly, I wouldn't know how strongly these plants would smell from personal experience... really officer... er, I'll get me coat...
First rule of thumb if you have a cordless phone and a toddler, either keep it out of the way or disconnect the bloody thing.
My daughter who is 2 1/2 has a habbit of grabbing our cordless. As we can't really put it out the way without putting in extra cables we just leave it disconnected. The batteries are on their last legs anyway and we generally use our mobiles.
After all, a BT line is just for broadband right? ;-)
It might be that it's standard procedure, in case someone else is in the house (kidnapped? rape victim?), tried to phone for help, and had the phone taken away from them.
Unlikely, but might be on their list to check just in case.
Can you imagine the furor if the victim was found later after the cops had been in the house but left again without searching?
Why are commentors nagging about search warrants? If you let the police in, they are in; if you refuse, they need the warrant. If they have an emergency mandate (911call) to enter, again they are in.
Or are you argueing the law should be changed and emergency should turn a blind eye to absolutely everything except what coincides with the text on a paper report? "Sorry ma'am, we got a report of no. 110 on fire, so we can't help you at no. 112 unless you file a report"?
Smell? Depends where it is, though. I would have thought he'd have them up in the attic/down in basement with all the necessary hydroponic wotnots. The panic in his eyes would probably be more of a signal, and anyway as many have pointed out the cops would do a search as a matter of routine in the circs.
Lots of people making same points here by the way so I'm nixing a few just so it's only slightly repetitive and not endlessly so.
Not every country is like the US where the police need a warrant for any search regardless of the reason. In countries whose law system is similar to English common law, the police have the right to enter buildings under certain circumstances without a warrant. I don't know the details of the law, but this would have to be one of those cases, otherwise the whole thing would get thrown out of court straight away. It is one of the reasons you have the enforcement arm and judiciary strictly separate - it means it's harder for the police to break the law and get away with it.
RCMP are required by procedure to search any residence in the event of an aborted 911 call.
There was a case recently where this procedure was not followed, a woman died, and a police dispatcher was terminated.
Canadian police work with local power companies to find grow ops by looking for houses using far more power than their neighbours.
White Rock is a fairly expensive area, with large houses over 3000 Sq feet is not uncommon.
BC pot is some of the best in the world... Or so I am told.
Possession is technically illegal, but is almost never charged.
There are many places where you will regularly smell people smoking pot, but the cops really don't seem to care.
Square root of 500 will tell you that one halfway decent-sized room should be way sufficient, just roughly 23 rows of 22 pots each. Maybe, despite the locale, he was growing some dwarfish Mexican weed instead of the sky high Canadian cash crop, takes even less space.
Dude, where's my phone?!
This post has been deleted by its author
"There was a case recently where this procedure was not followed, a woman died, and a police dispatcher was terminated."
Well, I suppose it makes a change from the NZ proceedure, where on one occassion the Police response to a 111 call from a distressed female was to send a taxi - the caller has never been seen since, dead or alive.
From the article i guess this is a second house and not the family home as the mother 'apparently' was not aware of the growth.
On the smell topic, it is possible to hide. A few people i have known over the years kept plants in their cellar and no smell in the house... a few though did smoke weed in the house though so this would be a dead giveaway of them being pot smokers anyway... takes days and open windows to get rid of the smell... opening the windows just as the cops arrive isnt going to help.
Loki: "From the article i guess this is a second house and not the family home as the mother 'apparently' was not aware of the growth"
Er, possibly yes if they were a nice 1950's style nuclear family. In the fractured modern world they're probably separated (hell they may not have been a couple for much more than the time it took to conceive) and loathe to visit each other .
Robert Moore: "There was a case recently where this procedure was not followed, a woman died, and a police dispatcher was terminated"
With extreme prejudice? Harsh, but fair.