"Former" BOFH
Is anybody a "former" BOFH? I always thought it was a life long calling.
Albeit interrupted by stints in government provided housing, but lifelong none the less.
A former sysadmin who pocketed several million dollars by scamming Cisco's part replacement program has been sentenced to five years in prison by a federal court in New Jersey. Michael Kyereme was a network troubleshooter for the city of Newark between 2002 and 2007, where he was authorized to buy replacement parts from Cisco …
Grrr... It's people like this that make advance exchange hardware tougher to get. Vendors lose their shirt enough times and they end up making it that much harder on the honest guy with a funky router or dying RAID controller (or dodgy kit for my friends on the Reg side of the pond) to get a replacement in time to be useful.
@Herby: I think you hit it right on the head, he's a "former BOFH" just like prisons are filled with "former drug dealers".
...speaking of BOFH, what the hell, where's he been? At least at the start of last year we had the plausible excuse of the BOFH being trapped in a lift for an extended period of time to explain any prolonged silence. Is the missing BOFH connected to the unexplained disappearance of AmanFromMars? Are mysterious black helicopters involved?
"The scam defrauded Cisco of nearly $4.2m, according to prosecutors."
I take it they didn't have such a thing a stock control.
"Here Dave, we sent out a abc to this guy and he's returned a xyz".
"Oh well. Random part out, Check! Random part in, Check.! Jobs a good un"
Okay, I can understand them being tricked out of a few parts, but this many over such a long time period?
I am surprised that the chased this guy, he might have cost them $4.2m, but such a public display of their own incompetence surely must have wipe a lot more than that off their share value.
They obviously haven't heard the saying 'Fool me once...'
Certain techs will also try to rip off customers when OEM computers are bought and then they arrive the tech rips out the sound card then resells them on ebay.
Also the IT manager was fire thinking that for ever 10 laptops he buys for the company they get 1 free and he though he could keep that 1 freebie for himself.
stupid contractors.