Best picture.
Wall-E should have been nominated. I suspect EVE is going to be *pissed*.
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button has been nominated for 13 Oscars, with Slumdog Millionaire pressing for ten and Dark Knight and Milk in the running for eight statuettes. Dark Knight doesn't feature in the best picture category, but Heath Ledger must be a hot bet to claim the supporting actor crown, given Hollywood's …
As apart from the Dark Night, Wall E and Kung Fu Panda (none of which ive actually seen) i havent heard of any of the rest! My finger must certainly be on the pulse of modern cinema!
And any film with a name like "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" deserves to have the writers, directors, producers and everyone else involved with the film horsewhipped for using such a bloody stupid name, not rewarded with Ocsar nominations! God awful name, just awful! *shakes head in disgust*
Aside from all the other reasons it's sad that Heath Ledger is dead, is also that if they do give him the Oscar for best supporting actor, some people will think it was because of his death. And who knows, maybe it will be a factor on the panel's minds. But it *was* a terrific performance. It can't be easy to be convincing as a Batman villain, but Heath Ledger pulled it off.
that "joke" was done to death way back when it was topical...
Turning to the little gold dudes instead, I hope Fincher's work gets some sort of recognition this time around: the man is a genius. Oh, and if Wall-E doesn't get Best Animated Feature, there will be trouble.
And finally, while we're on a movie tip, where was Teh Reg coverage of the nominations for this year's Razzies? The clue is in the icon, people...
Could have been a nice film if "they" hadn't cliché'd it to death, making it an 2h30+ collection of sentences previously heard in "Titanic", "Amelie Poulain", "My Best Friend's Wedding" and the like. And better actors might have helped too (though honestly, Pitt and Blanchett have both done much worst). As is, the movie only qualifies as a loooong director's cut for a bonus DVD. To be seen by the afficionados of the "real" movie. Too bad this "real" movie won't ever be released...
I'm sure F. Scott Fitzgerald will be taking your comments on board and duly altering his manuscript to something more acceptable to your delicate little sensibilities, just as soon as he's finished being dead. Although I'm guessing that, in light of your admission that you haven't seen a great many movies from the last year, you probably haven't read a great many short stories from nearly 90 years ago.
I can't believe people still a) query the lack of IT angle *in a story which is clearly in the 'entertainment' section* like blithering monomaniacs and b) imagine for an instant that a brusque order for the Reg to do something in future will result in anything but us doing the total opposite.
I mean, it's not hard to grasp. Do you need help tying your shoes, or what?