Forget your pin?
Fail at life.
I have four cards, and remember each pin. It's not like you're being asked to remember Pi to 78 decimal places.
For everything else there's KeePass and a USB drive. Flawless.
Whether you’re logging on to a computer, withdrawing cash from a hole in a wall or reviving a comatose mobile phone, passwords are a daily nuisance necessity. With so many mundane tasks requesting usernames and passwords, a possible solution to this ongoing memory game is the Atek Logio Secure Password Organiser, which acts as …
It's just the right size to stick a post-it on the back to remind you of the 15 digit password.
Quite aside from the interface horrors, are there really people slack-brained enough to need one of these? If you can't keep track of an average sackful of passwords then you shouldn't be allowed to cross the road without a boy scout.
That sort of money will buy you something like Splash ID and its desktop companion, or others such as Handysafe etc, not to mention free software such as GNU Keyring. Take your pick according to your phone/PDA. All of which should give you much easier data entry and most will give you syncing between your mobile and desktop PC for backups. Way more convenient for anyone who has a PDA or even vaguely smart phone.
Great idea, but I wouldn't like the thought of loosing *all* my passwords should it be lost, stolen or damaged, and there doesn't appear to be any way of doing this.
A computer backup program would also have made for a nice easy way to store your passwords on this, and a USB interface combined with a windows front end could have made entering passwords much more secure.
Sounds like they missed a few tricks.
I'm glad AC and Ash are such memory masters. Unfortunately, those of us with merely human brains do struggle. I have around 20 passwords to remember at any one time. On average they have to be minimum 8 chars with mixed case and either a number or special character. However, Admin passwords are a minimum 12 chars with mixed case, numbers AND special chars.
And all of these have to be changed every 28 days with no repeats within that last 13 months and no words from a standard dictionary. Just coming up with new passwords every month is an exercise - never mind remembering the damn things.
To ensure I don't just end up using Mond@y1234 and such, I use a strong password generator to create "random" passwords within set parameters and these are then stored in a 256-bit AES encrypted database. All I have to do is decrypt the necessary password and then copy and paste it into the field.
@Ash - Interesting how you assume not being able to memorise 4 PINs is beneath you, and memorising pi to 78 decimal places is a 'real' achievement. Well, seeing as people have memorised it to 100,000 places I'm not sure about why you think you're any different to the 4 PIN forgetters , in the grand scale of things unless you can recite pi to 10,000 places you're a flop'pi' (disk).
If your bank finds out that you've been recording your logon IDs/PINs, no matter if you've obfuscated it as part of a phone number (it's easy enough to call phone numbers to see if they exist, or are who they say they are, if they do.) they won't pony up any cash if your account gets 'harvested'.
And rightly so.
I just set all my passwords and PINs to the same thing -- my place of birth in the case of the former and my day and month of birth in the case of the latter.
Unless someone manages to get their hands on my birth certificate (tucked carefully in the back of my wallet, in my back pocket - safe as houses!) I've got nothing to worry about.
If this device were pointless, then why would I see so many passwords stored on sticky notes? Obviously people are having trouble remembering passwords. And obviously they are not all using the mobile phone and desktop software programs or USB drives that are available for this purpose. If a handy little device like this can help them manage passwords, that sounds to me like a potentially very useful product. Frankly, I like the idea that it's disconnected from the computer...seems safer to me since you never know what malware is lurking in the shadows of your PC (or phone!) and potentially seeing everything, including passwords on software or a USB drive.