back to article The Vatican tempts the YouTube generation

The Vatican this Friday will announce details of a partnership with Google to launch the Holy See's own YouTube channel. According to The Telegraph, the channel will offer "video footage and audio of addresses by Pope Benedict XVI," the current occupant of the Papal Apartments in the Vatican's Apostolic Palace. This won't be …


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  1. Sarah Davis

    Jevus on a stick !!

    "fact driven" - LMAO (no more please, my sides are splitting)

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Gates Halo

    Pope On A Mobe

    Will we actually need a computer to view this YouTube content, or will it just miraculously appear in visions to gullible teenagers and addled old women?

    And presumably there'll never be any bandwidth or network congestion isues, because the Pope is infallible?

    And what's in it for the Catlick Church anyway? As it is a agressively capitalist organisation deliberately structured around its primary purpose of extracting as much money as possible from its followers in exchange for indulgences, relics, and vague and totally unverifiable promises of purchasing a better life in heaven, how does giving content away free on PopeTube fit into the business model? Every five minutes does a collecting plate come out of the monitor?

    Mine's the bus with the 'There is no God, and bog off back to the 14th Century if you think there is' advert on the side.

  3. TeeCee Gold badge

    Well, *somebody* has to.....

    <Gregorian chant>

    "Never gonna give you up

    Never gonna let you down

    Never gonna run around and desert you...."

    </Gregorian chant>

  4. Frank

    Wrong way round?

    "...and the "Fact Driven - Faith Informed" Catholic Online site. "

    I'm sure this should be 'Faith Driven - Fact Informed' (with caveats on the 'Fact' part).

    I know I ought to tell them that, but El Reg commenters are a great sounding board for ideas and questions.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Holy Rottweiler

    Damn you woman, you read my mind!

    I'm so happy I can now get a vision of his Holy Rottweiler any time of the night or day to remind me why men in frocks are a bad thing.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Is this about...

    IT news, or has El Reg just taken to poking the trolls once in a while? You could just write a page with the words God, Christian, Scientology and Global warming on it and that would do the job with alot less work.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    visited a couple of those links...

    And it is very amusing to see that even "Catholic Online" has online dating for Catholics with the title "Grow in faith, fall in love" ....

  8. Winkypop Silver badge


    This lad the Pope, he's taking this Catholic things rather seriously isn't he?

  9. alan
    Thumb Up

    read as...

    "...current occupant of the PayPal Apartments...."

    I knew the Pop was behind it all......

    (spelling intended :) )

    PopeTube TM. Coming to a good, upstanding Christian PC near you

  10. Mike

    All aboard the Jebus

    >>"fact driven" - LMAO (no more please, my sides are splitting)

    The pain you are feeling is the vengence of the LORD, how dare you ridicule our Pope.

    As we know, the pope is infalable, when he solemnly declares something it is beyond question, because back in 1870 the vatican council said so.

    Really 'tho what is this pope business all about? is it now all common sense and modern or a load of dogmatic crap? Bennie has declared that it's now OK to use condoms (but only with your wife if one partner has HIV) shows a great worldview.

    The bible says no idolatry yet the pope is revered (and worshiped by some), mind you, the bible says wrath, hate, scorn and vengence is wrong but documents clearly when god commits these sins.

    Given the nature of this site, I'll ask some science questions, "Dignitas Personae" defines creation of a new soul at the point of conception, so;

    Given most conceptions end in spontanious abortions (with the woman not even being aware she was pregnant) does this make god the "greatest abortionist?"

    After conception, if the embryo spits into two (as in identical twins) do they share a soul, get half a soul each or does another one get created? (if so who gets the slightly newer soul?)

    If a split embryo fuses again then do the two souls merge or does one soul go to heaven*, if so which one?

    These are either difficult philosophical questions, or a load of old shit.

    *Good old Bennie has decided to scrap "limbo" and now unbaptised babies go to heaven, isn't that nice of him? good job this stuff is real and not just all made up.

    “There’s probably no God, Now stop worrying and enjoy your life.”

  11. Tim


    This sounds like it'll be exciting. Maybe they'll include some footage of the young pope in his nazi uniform, that should increase the site's presence and, er, lebensraum.


  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Re: Pope on a Mobe


    " As [the Catholic church] is a agressively [sic] capitalist organisation deliberately structured around its primary purpose of extracting as much money as possible from its followers in exchange for indulgences, relics,[snip] "

    You are Martin Luther and I claim my five pounds.

  13. Anonymous Coward

    Re: All aboard the Jebus


    " Good old Bennie has decided to scrap "limbo" and now unbaptised babies go to heaven, isn't that nice of him? good job this stuff is real and not just all made up. "

    Oh for Christ's sake!*

    If you are going to try to present an argument against something, at least read properly. "Limbo" was never church dogma -- it was a philosophical pondering that Irish nuns took a particular liking to. The Pope merely stated that the Church has never supported the idea. Not a U-turn.

    You know, God-bashers and God-botherers are equally irritating. I'd lock the lot of you in the same room and get Endemol to manage the TV rights.

    * (pun intended)

  14. Mike

    Re: Re: All aboard the Jebus

    >>"Limbo" was never church dogma

    Didn't say it was, it was a term invented to explain some biblical contradictions and as such it has gone in and out of fashion in the last 600 or so years, but the current pope says, unbaptised babies don't go to limbo after all, like this "theology" actually means anything (the whole faith based fact driven thing).

    >>God-bashers and God-botherers are equally irritating

    Contribute, or keep quiet then, complaining for the sake of it really make no sense, you are the biggest fool of all.

    Oh and by the way....

    >>the Church has never supported the idea.

    The church never "made it formal dogma" (mentioned in magisterium but not "taught"), but various church bodies from augustine through multiple councils right up to modern times have supported to various degrees the theoretical definitions of limbo.

    I suspect that limbo never made formal dogma as it's full of nasties (like sending unborn babies to hell), but it's interesting how the assumption of mary is dogma, which also has no basis (even in the bible), maybe it's because the assumption of mary is "nice".

    The point is, the pope has nothing of value to say, what he does say is too often full of shit, but he has magical powers (because the church said so), any other person who claimed to have a direct line to god and is infalable would end up with a cuddle-yourself-jacket and 30mg of haldol.

  15. Peyton

    @Is this about...

    I get just as bored with anti-religion evangelists as the next guy, but the youtube angle does, indeed, make this IT related - I find the ~2000 year-old religious institution + web 2.0 combination interesting in an anachronistic sort of way.

  16. Colin Millar
    Jobs Horns

    Facts are relative

    "The church at the time was much more faithful to reason than Galileo himself, and also took into consideration the ethical and social consequences of Galileo’s doctrine (that the earth moved round the sun). Its verdict against Galileo was rational and just." - Cardinal Ratzinger

    Do these Popes never go to school? He seems to have mixed up the phrases 'rational and just' and 'narrow minded bigotry'

    Glad to see that you have a pope icon

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward



    I'm not "complaining for the sake of it", I'm trying to demonstrate that ignorance and hypocrisy are present in equal measure on *both* sides of these moronic slagging matches.

  18. M Neligan


    Error while looking up definition

    No definitions found for 'wooley'


    22 Moby Thesaurus words for "woolly":

    bristly, bushy, cirrose, downy, feathery, fleecy, flocculent,

    flossy, fluffy, furry, fuzzy, hairy, hirsute, hispid, lanate,

    matted, pilose, pubescent, shagged, shaggy, unshorn, whiskered

    Error while looking up definition

    No definitions found for 'infalable'


    79 Moby Thesaurus words for "infallible":

    absolute, acceptable, agreeable, beyond all praise, certain,

    chaste, close, constant, correct, defectless, delicate, dependable,

    direct, effective, efficacious, efficient, even, exact, express,

    faithful, faultless, fine, flawless, foolproof, handy, helpful,

    ideal, immaculate, impeccable, indefectible, indefective,

    inerrable, inerrant, irreproachable, just right, mathematical,

    micrometrically precise, microscopic, nice, oracular, peerless,

    perfect, pinpoint, precise, pure, refined, reliable, religious,

    religiously exact, rigid, rigorous, satisfactory, satisfying,

    scientific, scientifically exact, secure, severe, sinless,

    spotless, square, stainless, strict, subtle, sure, surefire,

    taintless, unadulterated, unblemished, uncontaminated,

    undeceivable, undeviating, unerring, unfailing, unfaultable,

    unmistaken, unmixed, unspotted, untainted, useful

  19. Mike


    I'm surprised at you, normally you'll say something vaguely constructive, rather than "this is a valid story to be the register".

    Personally I find popes fascinating, from the first sexist misogynist pope (Peter), the years of debauchery, murder, torture, corruption, incest, explicit (and implicit) anti-semitism, anti scientific belief is great! call me an "anti-religion evangelist" if you like (I kind of like it, perhaps I should do a roadshow?) but it doesn't change the fact that my sarcastic scorn of the papal system highlights real contradictions, which (interestingly) hasn't been disputed.

    Seriously, if anybody else but the pope started this sort of channel he would be laughed off (or locked up), so what makes him different? he's just a man.

  20. Peyton


    "normally you'll say something vaguely constructive"

    Hey gimme a break - apparently there's some event going on at the White House today - it's got me all distracted - I've had to upgrade my flash player and everything. (Also, my goal is usually to just *not* be unequivocally inane and/or anger our moderator - so hopefully I'm still on target ;p )

    I was thinking more about the posts above the AC's than yours tbh. I concur that the Catholic Church's history is tumultuous and convoluted. For me, that makes it interesting - but not something to get worked up about. But the Dan Brown-esque conspiracy theories bore me at this point, as do the "clever" remarks - I've just seen them too many times before. I think snide remarks are great - when they're original.

    Feel free to use the label "anti-religion evangelist" all you want though - I'm happy to oblige ;)

  21. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Nuff said @M Neligan



    One who pays undue attention to book learning and formal rules.

  22. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Re: Re: Re: All aboard the Jebus

    Mike quipped: " ...any other person who claimed to have a direct line to god and is infalable would end up with a cuddle-yourself-jacket and 30mg of haldol."

    There you are wrong, sir. They just move to the "Heartland of America" where we embrace (with open arms and wallets) every single crackpot, misogynist, fever-dream-addled Dorian Gray wanna-be who slimed his way out from under a rock as a fellow traveler. Just beware the 900 foot Jeebus crossing and pass that collection plate...

  23. BioTube

    Just so we're all clear

    The difference betwixt a militant atheist and an evangelical is the religion.

  24. Mike

    @AC Posted Tuesday 20th January 2009 16:29 GMT


    I'm not "complaining for the sake of it", I'm trying to demonstrate that ignorance and hypocrisy are present in equal measure on *both* sides of these moronic slagging matches


    In that case you don't understand ignorance; faith requires absence of knowing for sure, you must be ignorant of proof either way to "believe", anyone who experiences a miracle or hears the voice of God "knows", is no longer ignorant of the truth, but also no longer requires faith.

    In that case you don't understand hypocrisy; the numerous examples of religious leaders (not just restricted to popes here) preaching one thing and doing another is the very definition of hypocrisy.

    Maybe ignorance and hypocrisy do exist on both sides of the "slagging matches", but equal measure? you either believe this (in which case you're just stooput) or you're trolling and want to get someone all worked up, either way you're still "complaining for the sake of it".

  25. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    It'll be funny to see...

    ...what other videos users who view the pope's videos have viewed. Footage of topless boys (overage, of course!!), school rugby team trip footage...

    Or, given the current pope's terrifying nature it's more likely to be footage of the Fuhrer himself!!

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