Famous Misreadings
Titties in this category may also contain frequent and intense offensive language.
Guess I know where my mind is on a Friday afternoon.
In a marvellous display of double standards, Apple has approved "Wobble" for sale in the iTunes store, allowing users to animate photographs of real breasts, while still rejecting the cartoon breasts of "iBoobs" as objectionable content. To be fair, Wobble doesn't provide photographs of suitable Bulgarian airbags to bounce, …
The difference being that iBoobs provides its own mammaries, whereas the other applications make you provide your own. So Apple can't be held responsible for distributing porn, only with providing tools that were obviously meant to let kids play with jello, and not what some pervs ended up doing with it.
Or did that second vid just start getting tedious by about 1/3 in?
I love female bodies - and they can do a lot more than jiggle bits unrealistically. Even better when a brain is attached (and switched on*)!
*To be fair, if all women had brains attached and switched on, there would be a huge shortage of men with the same. Hmmm. I can dream can't I?
That you just placed yourself front and center in the firing line of frothing-at-the-mouth fanboyz for daring to criticize their beloved Apple?
Go ahead, pour some more petrol on the fire while you're about it... ahh.. okay, I see that you did..
"Apple is, of course, under no obligation to list or reject any application, nor explain its reasoning - but censoring books and filtering applications without explanation or any apparent consistency does leave a nasty taste in the mouth."
Brilliant. I applaud you sir and your asbestos suit.