The crucial thing.
Is the promotion of a 'common sense' approach. Admirable but unfortunately often lacking in public authorities.
Government organisations are being encouraged to refuse public requests for information if they believe real names have not been supplied, under new guidelines from the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). The ICO reminded public authorities yesterday that people using the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) sometimes use …
Or indeed they may use a fake name, if the freedom of information request may cause a reprisal. If the information is supposed to be available why does it need to even be requested by anyone AT ALL, let alone only to a NAMED person?
There's another problem here, and that is that you've created an excuse for refusing to provide information.....
Surely if the same request come in then the second time is just a photocopy of the first time, not a fresh request!
Requests are needed because the information asked for often requires some research, not just finding a single document, and they don't want you walking into the office and digging through their files without asking. They need a name and address so they know who to send the information to once they've found it.