portrait of an open source patent troll
For those of you who dont know the whole story, AT&T made the source code of unix available to use by universities and business before the existence of open source licenses. They later sold the rights to the name unix to Novell, and then Novell sold it to SCO.
The first joke is that SCO is going after Linux which is not based on unix but rather minux which is an OS in a book of operating systems that was never intended to be used but rather teach OS concepts.
The second joke can be found in the last line of the article:
"Last year a US judge declared Novell the owner of Unix properties that SCO had claimed, and heaped further financial woe on the burdened company by ordering SCO to pay Novell $2.5m as part of his finding"
so...SCO has to pay Novell, ha ha ha naaah, dont think SCO will have an easy time being a patent troll with all the open flavors of unix, especially when there are still commercial unix flavors being marketed.