back to article Texas profs use AI news-ware to ID terror groups

American computer academics say they have created an artificial-intelligence-based computer program which can scan news reports to swiftly identify which terrorist group is behind an outrage. They claim the "open source intelligence"* scanner gave good results in the wake of last year's Mumbai attack. "Our group has written …


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  1. The Mole
    Thumb Up

    How do they know

    Sounds like a nonsense claim to me. I'm pretty certain that the spook responsible for India probably said immediately that this is probably Lashkar-e-Tayyiba as soon as they heard the reports and details. They probably even told their superiors their gut feeling. They then would have gone to work colloborating and finding evidence for what they thught they knew in the first few minutes of the attack before publically giving the terrorists publicity (last thing you want to do is give the credit to the wrong group and look silly)

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Black Helicopters

    How clever - not.

    So there is

    * a small handful of terrorist groups

    * a small number that dont like India

    * an attack on Indian soil

    now, lets take a random punt and guess which it is.

    The above is the human, he takes 1 second with limited information.

    The computer software takes many months of inputting the data and finally agrees with the answer form the human.

    So whats the point of this software?

    Maybe if they developed software that could reliably predict in advance the date/time/location and of course the gang of no-gooders, then it would be useful.

  3. Anonymous Coward

    Great stuff!

    Yeah. Of course. And then send an sms to the drone to fire a Cruise missile up the terrorists' backsides. And also find the WMD while at it.

    Having said that, it doesn't require much intelligence (artificial or otherwise) to realise that most attacks in Indian territory (if you leave out the North East) are by the LeT, aided and abetted by the Pakistani government / army / whatever they call their terrorists these days...

    Anon, of course. Else I'll be another infidel statistic.

    Mine's the bullet proof one made of toilet paper. Provided by the Indian government.

  4. michael

    how dose it

    filter out the wrong info that is allways given out on the news wires in the few houres after an atack?

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton


    when I first parsed the title I thought "About time they started using antiterror tools against Intelligent Design nutcases!", then I read it agan and went "D'oh!"

  6. Keith Doyle
    Thumb Up

    Open Intel?

    I like the idea of open-intel-- let us all know what the spooks know-- and no doubt with increased reliability for that matter. Why wait for some suit to be forced to tell the media what's going on in the world, completely spin-doctored by the latest govt. administration? The equivalent of a public RSS ECHELON feed, that's the ticket. WE ARE the MEN in BLACK....

  7. Anonymous Coward

    I hope

    it's more sophisticated than just searching for "<foo> claimed responsibility" in the news articles.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    Naming the terrorist group after the fact

    still leaves a body count, so if all this program does is name the perpetrator, then it's essentially worthless. Once again, American tax-dollars put to remarkably poor use at our so-called institutes of higher learning.

  9. Wayland Sothcott
    Thumb Down

    What a load of bollox

    It's so nonsensical that I am lost for words!

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