StopTheWar website is having trouble too.
May be because of popularity, may be not.
May well be unrelated but it's very very slow and it was down completely for five minutes a few minutes ago. I'm not saying it's anything to do with this article but it is a little odd on a Friday afternoon.
Come on people, rally at 12:30 - tomorrow - Saturday 10/1/09 - Speaker's Corner - Hyde Park - London to protest against the massacre of Palestinians. There were approx 50,000 people last week, lets double that this week and join in solidarity around the world against this murder. What else are you going to do? Watch telly? Don't you feel outraged at this government about something? About this? Show your anger at all the crap that's been happening over the last few years, tell your friends, tell your family, the UK government could do a lot more about this situation to at least bring to a ceasefire if not find a solution.
Don't just sit online, posting on forums, get off your arse and get down to London tomorrow and bring your shouting voices.
And to all those who're gonna stick up for Israel, do a CIA search for Israel and then Gaza and/or Palestine. Look at weapons, army, navy, airforce, etc. It's not what you could say is a fair fight/war.
Currently about 760 dead palestinians and 3,000+ injured vs 4 Israelis dead, maybe a handful more now. If Israel wants to retaliate, why not throw some crappy rockets into fields and poorly populated outskirts just shy of Gaza and occasionally hit someone, not this outright massacre.
I want a peaceful solution ultimately and I don't want anyone to die on EITHER side but this has gone beyond wrong, beyond tit-for-tat, beyond retribution, this is a massacre.
Odd that pro-Israelis want to silence pro-Palestinian press, I'm glad that doesn't happen to the media in the West...cough.