Meanwhile, in unrelated news...
...Sloarg, spiritual head of the Fundamentalist Swampthing Church of the Blessed Damp, declared "dryfoot" society to be morally bankrupt and called on all righteous Swampthings to reject a culture that glorifies ultra-absorbency, and all-day dryness.
At the same time Sloark, secular leader of the Swampthing people and cousin of Sloarg on his father's side, has been working with economists and business leaders to identify strategies to most profitably exploit the tiny state's vast supplies of fouled standing water.
The President is confident that despite unspecified "extraction issues", they will be able to ship light sweet sludge at a price approximating the cost of comparable quality fossil fuel oil. "You will be amazed how close the prices will be" he was heard to say, after a goodwill visit from uncharacteristically jovial OPEC ministers.
At the end of the press conference the President waved and oozed the gelatinous slime of contentment before turning and, dragging a screaming journalist behind him, returning to the foul depths of his presidential summer pond.