back to article Google China and Baidu apologize for porn links

Three of China's most popular search engines have apologized for being slow to remove links to pornographic material, following the government's pledge on Monday to crack down on "vulgar" content on the web. The Chinese Ministry of Public Security is heading a nationwide campaign to purge the internet of websites accused of " …


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  1. Anonymous Coward


    China - "We promise to bend over and spread our ass cheeks."

    Rest of World - "We will ignore your stupid and irrelevant requests."

    And this is the company who's motto is "Do no Evil"

    Yeah, Right.

  2. james hedley
    Paris Hilton

    Sorry register

    It's just a shame that the Chinese government is so rife with corruption - prostitution is considered par for the course for local government officials. Posting this comment might not help with you being cleared through the great firewall but it has to be said!

    Paris because her marketing strategy has now failed in China.

  3. Graham Marsden

    It's ironic...

    ... that many of the world's sex toys are marked "Made in China"!!

  4. Anonymous Coward

    Comment on ‘Google China and Baidu apologize for porn links

    Bet they made a fcukton of money off those searches too.

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