Savage uncombed horny northern bastards
Savage? No way - just as savage as everyone else - only better at it.
Uncombed? No way - see the pictures made at the time - elaborate hairdos for both men and women.
Horny? No way, as far as helmets were concerned. As for other parts... well, let's say they mixed the pot nicely.
Northern? Not many. Danes not much further north than Britain, if at all. Norwegian Vikings not much further north than Britain. Swedes? Ditto for t he most part, but they went off to the east, founded Russia, navigated the Volga to Constantinople en route to central Asia. Were the favourite bodyguards of both Roman and Byzantine Emperors. Were quick to adopt what they saw as advances in politics, culture and religion.Quickly took to Christianity, unlike the Swedes back home. Ditto Greek and Latin. Had no problems using Roman Law - except where it conflicted with their superior Germanic traditions of solidarity. They intermarried and were soon hardly distinguishable from the locals. Occupied Rome several times. Only occupants to ever show mercy to the Romans and preserve their monuments. Provided quite a few Roman Emperors.
The innovations they took to included things like the Herbat swords.
Bastards? Only through intermarriage - like the rest of Europe at the time - Britons, Romans (a real mixture themselves), Anglo-Saxons (three big groups and lots of small ones), Danes and Norsemen and Irish. And that was before the Franco (a mixture of German Franks and native Gauls and Romans)-Nordic Normans poked their oar in - so to say.
So much for racial bloody purity, and the myths of the losers.
As for date, around 1000, that more or less marked the end of the Viking Age. The Dane Canute the Great was king of all England. Half a century later the ex-Viking Normans conquered England. And Christianity finally came to Sweden (all credit to them for holding out so long!)
(Paris cos she would make a great Viking - unless she was traded as a slave, or sacrificed, or turned herself into a rich Roman aristocrat (Viking women inherited wealth on the same terms as men).