Several Observations
<coward> WTF Gazza has done to upset the Israelis
Nothing - Gaza is a strip of land.
Terrorists within that strip of land launched missiles for months at a sovereign nation that they refuse to recognize.
<john watts> Aren't they the home-made tubes that don't really do much
Some are, others have been illegally imported from Iran and manufactured in China.
Some of the latest missiles now have a civilian nuclear power station in range, which is a critical situation.
<alien8n> Does anyone want to hazard a guess why bombing a civilian population to get at a handful of terrorists is a BAD IDEA?
That is a good question - why does Hamas continue to launch missiles for months into civilian population in Israel?
It costs too much to bomb a civilian population, which is why leadership in Gaza has been targeted who have: authorized the breaking of ceasefires, authorized importing of illegal weapons, authorized launching of missiles at civilian populations, authorized suicide bombing, authorized propaganda to encourage civilians not under legal military command (i.e. illegal combatants or terrorists) to kill foreign civilians, etc.
<Sajjed Sayed> a "promised land" that was STOLEN OUTRIGHT from the people who have been there from time immemorial
There is an assumption that the land was owned by someone to be stolen. To say it was stolen from some other people before is the same argument that ethnic Jewish people use. It is unfortunately sad to see the same rhetoric from both sides but both sides unable to see they are committing the same mistake academically.
<coward> Israel is illegally occupying huge swathes of Land which has been stolen by force from the indigenous people since 1946
Borders were carved out by he United Nations, making it legal.
Surrounding nations and Israel engaged in various wars, land was lost... whenever nations engage in warfare, this is a risk.
This land was occupied by the Romans and Byzantines for a couple thousand years, they don't own it any more, and this was due to war.
If a group of people do not have a viable form of government who can provide security to their group of people as well as to surrounding nations, there is no way they can administer a plot of land.
Considering an American President had advocated a plan to provide a group of people statehood through a constitution & popular elections and elections caused people to believe that elected people could violate constitutional order of government by having elected officials fund an illegal parallel army to the constitutional force - it unfortunately demonstrated that the American President may have been wrong and that this group of people were ready for statehood.
Until the regional people can act as a nation and not kill people in their area they don't like and kill people in other nations that they don't like - they will forever be nothing more than a subjugated people.
People want to be a political nation, they have to recognize the other recognized political nations surrounding them.
People to administer a piece of land as a political nation, don't engage in wars where opposing nations have an opportunity to take the land.
<private citizen> While I believe Hamas are assholes for launching rockets from residential areas - I assume that there is little other space to launch rockets
The closer you get to the border of Israel, the deeper into Israel they can reach.
Take a look at google - there are plenty of non-residential areas to launch rockets from.,-95.677068&sspn=38.690438,56.601563&ie=UTF8&ll=31.705971,35.104065&spn=0.650757,0.884399&z=10
The strategy to launch rockets is part of a plan for genocide by Hamas in the borders.
Launch rockets from areas where Hamas wants to kill people in Gaza and blame foreigners for killing the politically or religiously unpopular people in Gaza.
It is the "kill 2 birds with 1 stone" strategy.
<alan fisher> the US supports Israel no matter what they do...why?
Just because a group of popular people are elected to a government does not mean the government does not follow the law.
Because Israel followed a reasonable legal process and a Palestinian constitutionally illegal army is illegally occupying Gaza.
The only Palestinian organization that can be supported is the current recognized government in the West Bank, since Gaza was overthrown by an illegally funded militia, and the U.S. is supporting that government.
If there was no civil war within the ranks of the non-Israeli's in the region, if the non-Israeli's in the region would recognize the statehood of Israel, and there was a regular chain of command for military & police forces - then they could form a government which could be internationally recognized and negotiated with.
Right now, Hamas in Gaza is not run under a recognized governing authority, making them Unlawful Combatants under International Treaties.
Hamas has to "get with the international program" and stop being Unlawful Combatants or "Terrorists".
Hamas had popular support, Hamas just needed to follow the law - but they were incapable of doing that. Had Hamas been able to follow the law, then they could gather more international support.