Loving my PS3...
...not in the way a man loves a woman of course, in the way a man loves a fine Cuban cigar. But then again, I love it cos I've got one. Doubtless if I had an XBox I'd love that too
My thirteen year old son is all up in arms when he reads "XBox better than PS3" or other rubbish on the net - but he's....thirteen and with the hormones running riot he tends to take everything personally.
The temptation to list some of the PS3's finer points may be there, but I seriously worry about anyone who cares that much about it.
Bottom line - you're more likely (if you have kids) to buy the console their friends have got as they want to play online and then brag in the playground to each other. Four dads I know got PS3's because my son "sold" them on the idea so he could shoot the crap out of their offspring.
Backwards compatibility? Give me a break - like the guy in the shop who sold me mine said, once you're playing current gen games, the old ones just don't come out of their boxes anymore.