Fanny Hands Lane
My favourite, in Lincolnshire.
Lewes District Council has attracted the attention of the Daily Mail with a proposed new street naming and numbering policy which, if agreed tomorrow, could see the end of "names which encourage defacing name plates", such as Cockshut Road, Cracknuts Lane and Juggs Road. Also for the chop are 'names capable of deliberate …
Are the DM saying this is a "Good Thing", and supporting the council or are they saying its a "Bad thing"? Its important to know these things especially when the DM is involved because I'd hate to think I might be agreeing with them given their rabid obsession with the new "extreme" pornography act (won't someone please think of the children, please?) where they seem to make Hitler and Stalin seem scarily mainstream.
Frankly given the way the economy is going I'm amazed that Lewes District council are bothered with such a stupid little thing. I guess Minge Lane or Horney Old Road would be for the chop in their NuWorld town? I look forward to Gloucester County Council renaming Uckington (and yes there is space to the left of the U on the sign posts to add a single letter F)
Sad, Sad, Sad
Time for the good Burghers of Lewes to burgher off, methinks.
I feel certain that their efforts to "improve" the town will be less than welcome, particularly if the roads are anything like the ones around here. I just wonder how much money the exercise will cost, even if it doesn't go ahead.
Perhaps we should have a "head exploding" icon?
I'm not sure why Rachel Powell blames political correctness - it seems to be a catch-all scapegoat nowadays. The council clearly state that it's to reduce defacement. It would be a case of political correctness if they did something like renaming 'Brown Street' to 'Interracial Street'.
On another topic entirely - for GOD'S SAKE, REGISTER, PLEEEEASE make use of a cookie with your bloody annoying 'Reg Reader Research' javascript popup. I've clicked the X innumerable times and filled it in with rubbish three times so far just to stop the fucking thing appearing in front of every story and comment box, but you don't appear to have any kind of cookie or session variable that says 'this person has filled in / clicked the X and doesn't want to be annoyed any more'.
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Reminds me of the ongoing process in the US where there's an ongoing argument between african-americans and hispanics (no doubt fueled by a load of do-good white liberals!) as to whether names containing "negro" should be expunged from maps because they have racist backgrounds ... or whether the name predates slavery and comes from the spanish word for black and thus changing the name is an act of racism against hispanics.
Similarily while in California 10+ years ago I remember reading someone had persuaded the Calif DMV that "JAP" was an offensive reference to Japanese people and got them to cancel all car license plates that included "JAP" as a substring!
I think a previous poster might have been closer to the main reason: if you have to keep cleaning or even replacing defaced signs, why not simply replace them with one that won't get defaced again?
Of course the cost to the people who might live or work in those places isn't a factor to the council...
I work with a guy called Rudi Cockx - I know this is about places rather than people, but even after all these months that's still too snigger-worthy for me to resist posting! :-D
I mean, the place is called 'lewes' which sounds awfully like another word for lavatory.
Its an admittedly terrible bad pune or play on words - but since they seem to actually be basiing the whole silly plan on the premise that bad puns are so dreadful we have to rename a bunch of streets, then I think they ought to rename the whole bloody place, lest it become known as 'toiletville'. Its certainly how I'm going to refer to the place from now on.
If you're going to start down a a silly path, at least have the balls to follow the path to its logical conclusion - or give it up as a bad job before you even start.
I did hear a tale - may be an Urban MythThat a council planning refusal for a residential development had neen overridden, but they managed to get the developer to loose interest when they pointed out that they had the responsibility for naming roads and that it may just be possible that a good number of street names they might come up with could abe a little off-putting for purchasers.
I'm off to my local pub:
The Cockwell Inn,
"Bring back Gropecunt Lane!"
I have it on good authority from a mate of mine who's a keen local historian that what is now Grape Lane in York used to be Grope Lane, or some variation thereof, on account of what used to go on in ye olde times.
The nearby village of Long Marston has a street called "Butt Hedge" - never fails to raise a snigger or two.
I live near a village in Kent called Hucking. Wonder what they would make of that, along with another nearby area called Pratt's Bottom? In my opinion, these quaint old names, that have probably been around for centuries, should survive and to hell with namby-pamby councils who seem to want to protect us against...................er...............what, exactly?
I remember seeing this roadsign years ago while traveling through a village in Northamptonshire. I had to stop the car becuase i was laughing so much.
Thumbs down becuase I hope they never change the names of roads like these as they are part of our history.
The name I liked (probably been expunged now) comes from somewhere in Derbyshire, I think -- Peniston Rise. I liked the way the second part of the name was included in the smut and have the obvious photo of friends standing in front of the 'ton'.
Alien, since s/he/it doesn't seem to get much of an airing.
On my street there is a small lane called "Pilrig House Close". It only has two buildings on it...
I've only once seen the sign without graffitti. The council replaced the sign and the vandal replaced their part the next day.
"Pilrig House ^is very Close". Never failed to make me smile.
I live on Cockshut Lane, not in Lewes but up in the Midlands - the road's been called that for well over a century and the name originally meant "a type of net used to catch woodcock". How stupid that Lewes are wanting to change the name just because of a few idiot teenagers! Grow up Lewes council!!!
don't they make you come over all warm and cuddly?
This isn't all that new TBH... they've been trying to get the of a road called "Adams Bottom" changed for years in my town... I'm pleased to say its a change that has been firmly resisted by the local populace... well except for one or two idiots that actually live in "Adams Bottom"
fnar fnar .... he he he
Well, nobody ever expected the LibDems to ever get to run the country and now I guess they never will. I imagine LibDem central is already on a damage limitation exercise after they heard about this bunch of aging East-Sussex morons with no sense of humour.
From what I can see it's a change in the policy for NEW road names. They won't be changing the existing ones.
Perhaps they need to relocate them all to Ringwood Avenue in Pratts Bottom.
<Huh-huh-huh-huh,... he said Wood,... huh-huh-huh,... and Bottom,... huhuhuhuh!>
And is a symptom of minds utterly obsessed with sex and elimination: what are usually called "dirty minds."
But, alas, no one has the balls to stand up and say don't be so silly. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder -- and so is smut, dirtiness, and obscenity.
It's sad to see small-minded councils destroying England's history for such specious reasons.
I lived in a suburb called "Cook" for fourteen years and for as long as I remember the easily amused would change an "o" to a "c". A "Nirvana street" here had their sign ripped off many times over mean years, no, not by enraged Buddhists, by Cobain fans.
As others have said, where do you stop? Maybe they just need to remove all the street signs entirely and claim its a security measure, same as many councils did with public rubbish bins - nothing to do with security, everything to do with cost savings of not emptying them.
This looks pretty much like a non-story, even by the standards of the Daily Mail.
Lewes council are establishing a policy for NEW street names where they avoid ones likely to attract graffiti (and thus cost them money). One would hope that this is already an unwritten rule in councils up and down the country - Lewes are just formalising it.
It has nothing to do with "banning" existing street names, demolishing our proud heritage of sniggering at "Butt Hole Lane" or any kind of PC nonsense. It has everything to do with the Mail needing to fill a few column inches with ranting when nothing much has happened over the holidays (apart from WW3 breaking out in Gaza - but they can't blame that on looney left pc asylum seekers, so it doesn't count).
I hereby propose a wholly uncontroversial street name which nobody would want to vandalise:
Thedailymailisacrockofshite Street
Who wouldn't want to write that on all their letters?
Lewes is quite close to Plumpton and Chailey, two places that /may/ have given their names towards a childrens classic - http://www.t-web.co.uk/trumpvil.htm
Oh and as a resident of a nearby town, one of the outlying lanes was once called Sluts lane, but is now more charmingly called Snowdrop lane.
This country has wierd and wonderful names and if this sort of palava carries on, everywhere will be very boring.
Someone mentioned Fingling Hoe in Essex (near Colchester) - well, it's actually better than that as it is Fingring Hoe.
Brown Willy is obviously a brilliant name, and one that is wrong on so many PC levels is Blackdykes. And in Bishop's Strotford we have the Cock Inn. Which leads to many a possible radio advert - how far is the Cock Inn, Where's the Cock Inn, What is the Cock Inn and so on evermore.
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