Ye gods... was this article penned by the Bursar or something?
"a voice for all those who cant shout so loud...." - because they are stoned out of their heads on the nursing home equivalent of dried frog pills perchance?
...so and so chipped in... so that'll be the tezumen suicide note reference then
TP is one of my favourite writers and its sad he has this condition but £500k wouldnt even run a decent sized lab for 15 minutes... you've got alot more money than that laying about, and, unless you are the Agatean Emperor you cant take it with you....
Knowing TP I wouldnt put it past him to use one of these classic quotes on his tombstone...
++?????++ Out of Cheese Error. Redo From Start.
-or- (and this is my personal favourite)
Morituri Nolumus Mori (We, who are about to die, Dont want to...)
I think the last one would be apt for NASA's new logo