"There now follows a Party Political Broadcast for the Monster Raving Reality Party."
/Rant On
You know it makes perfect sense... all the countries dumped all their idiots in the New World (TM) - and they bred... and this is the result.
I remember bomb threats at least once a month when I was at school from the IRA. You know, the IRA the the americans funded... yes.. that would be you lot.
I remember bombings that killed children, pregnant women - guess who again.. the american funded IRA. A 8 1/2 month pregnant woman writhing on the pavement with both her legs blown across the other side of the street... that was you that was!
As to this Iraq shite - let me be brutally and completely honest.
1.) you brought it on yourself
2.) you brought it on yourself
3.) you brought it on yourself
did that part get through yet?
4.) and then you dragged the UK into it.
As to the Great American Squaddie - I live in an army town, its common comment amongst the british army soldiers I have spoken to that most of your lot couldnt hit a barn door with a bazooka from the inside of the barn, unless, and this is an important point, it was painted in allied colours. And lets not even start on the Jessica Lynch situation.
Not to mention raping, beating and murdering civilians (oh yeah, and the rape part includes men)..
You dragged europe into your war and I lost a good friend because of it... a perfectly innocent girl just going to work... not to mention all the army soldiers slaughtered for no good or legal reason. Do you think I like the image of one of my best friends dead and having to identify what was left? not really, I have nightmares about it over a year later.
I am SICK and TIRED of listening to all this bushite crap about Iraq doing this and Iran doing that... when even some Americans have figured out that if the 9/11 bombers were all saudi and the money tracks back to a saudi... it could mean the saudi's were involved....
Please someone... set a real life version of the film 28 days later in America... the rest of the world will be able to sleep safe in their beds.
As to this airline crap.... lets see .... oooh you are a teenage german girl... you must be Waffen SS, it was 3. PanzerGrenadier Totenkopf wasnt it? crashingly superb bunch of blokes!
You have a mental illness? but that precludes all Americans from travelling then...
I have a condition that comes under the banner of Intersex... which means rednecks with room temperature IQ's and 1953 crashbox Chevys would just love to do me harm... because Jesus dont like people like me.... so thats me stuck then aint it, cos by USA HLS rules I am a danger to myself for existing ... Oh yeah, and by religious belief I am Pagan... wut-oh... So because of a bunch of bigots in the US I am a danger to the sovereign nation of the US of A??! (dont ask what the 'A' stands for by the way)
And you know the worst part? Because the UK is so far up the US Govt's behind we need shit-flippers.... its now ok for the british police to shoot unarmed brazilians and get away with it... not to mention the whole free speech for a given value of free speech thing (aka, you get it when you are white and in the police)
If Epic Fail was an artform the US Government would be the fleshie equivalent of the roof of the Sistine Chapel (point of fact they'd probably weigh the same too)...
/Rant Off and thank you for listening...
----- "this was a party political broadcast for the Monster Raving Reality Party" ----