A little tale...I learnt from!
Many moons ago I once went for a job as a DBA. So nervous I missed the names and jobs of the interviewers. Interview went well, interviewer asked a question, "So Mr Jones, what do you see as a major challenge to operational departments?". "Well most developers are pretty daft, they never consider the operational cycles. They simply think they can make requests and the ops depts will simply carry them out on a whim! Totally unacceptable to my mind! Change request systems are there for a reason.". Interview finished.
Agency called later. "Sorry but although the interview went well, they considered you very arrogant and rude and no call back I'm afraid.". I asked why. "Well the lead interviewer was head of company development and your comment that 'devlopers are stupid', did not go down well.". I corrected the agency bob by relying the whole statement and said that if the interviewer was that petty, probably best out of it!