"the Orion Nebular"
Not heard of that one, perhaps related to the Orion Nebula?
Microsoft's Seadragon graphics viewing application has come under fire for allegedly distributing pornography to unsuspecting iPhone users, presumably those unfamiliar with the way the internet works these days. Seadragon is a powerful graphics viewer for the iPhone, distributed free by Microsoft Live Labs, and includes an …
"Where are the cries for banning the Internet?"
The government's already got that covered. They've sent a highly trained squad of soldiers to find the server that runs the Internet and shut it down using the large "Off" switch that their sources have assured them will take the whole WWW offline.
Why, any moment now we can expect to lose connectio-
Oh look something shiny and new, of it's free :D It's from the evil bemoth MS, so it's FREE, grab with boths hands...
Erm look it's a a pair of mountains, funny coloured ones at that...
<user zooms back!>
OMG it's .... a naked woman!
@ Shock + Awe
Agreed I mean, I've seen them, i don't need a freaking hand held pc if I wanted one I get me a netbook or similar, it's a "phone" for poncy people..
Kids of today balanced - well erm most are...
I was trying to think what the single most annoying thing anyone could say to me was, "Can I get AOL on my i-phone?" would probably push all my buttons so effectively that I'd be driven to beating them to death with the nearest blunt object, preferably something ;with an "i-" prefix in it's name.
Perhaps I just need to cut back on my caffeine. Mine's the one with the wrap around arms.
So basically what we're saying is: this person has sat and gone through every single library to see what's there? Don't they have something better to be doing with their life?
Actually, scrap that - they bought an iPhone in the first place... the only thing they enjoy more is worshiping Jobs.
If your kids own an iPhone with an unlimited data plan, there's nothing society can do to save them. Stop moaning about pr0n and admit your total failure as a parent.
That said, there seems to be a grand total of one (1) (particularly clueless) person complaining about that. Everyone else seems to understand the issue quite well, even if some people do suggest that MS should filter the content pre-emptively. Hardly the angry crowd you depict, and hardly worth a mactard-bashing article. But hey, mactard-bashing is fun anyway, so go ahead!
I will give them this, I would have never known about that app if I didn't read this (then again I only have the Touch and barely use it at that). Though I will say if they are screaming about pron on the iPhone then maybe we should just block every Mactard from using it at all. Seeing as thats 90% of the net there anyway. Then they could keep their sensibilities and not have to look at that.
"OMG just used Google Image search and types in some rude words and OMG it's like well full of porn...."
You might try setting that SafeSearch thing to 'strict'.
Amazingly it doesn't actually govern the number of images related to safes displayed in each search! Bloody usless if you ask me.
Why all of the vitriol towards iPhone owners? I have an iPhone 3G, I bought it because it fits in with my needs and, unlike countless S60 phones, it works.
It seems to me that there is a great deal of loathing towards those people that can afford to buy things. Somehow if you buy software, music, movies, Apple kit, you are some sort of pariah. You should be content with home brew kit and OSS offerings. Well forget that. I've worked hard to earn enough money to be able to buy what works best for me. If you can't afford it, stop bleating about it. Jealousy is the worst of the seven sins.
It would be easy...
just ask to borrow it from the elders of the internet (because you won employee of the month), get it from the top of big ben (where it gets the best reception) and put it a faraday cage.
or alternatively...
Hmmm... Sounds like a typical age old issue here.
(1) Mac users. They always think that the fault is Microsoft's responsibility!!
(2) Users not understanding the systems that they are using, and blaming the system when its actually the data and the data inputters fault that the system is not running 'correctly'
When are users actually going to take responsibility for the systems and programs that they use to make sure that the data is correct.