maybe they were worried about....
"Look and feel"
I know, the coatrack is at the back
An application that allows iPhone users to wobble a pair of breasts has been rejected by Apple's application store, denying iPhone geeks the nearest thing to sex they'll get this holiday season. The application was rejected on the grounds of "objectionable content", though with the caveat: "If you believe that you can make the …
but what's offensive about boobs? Come to think about it, what's offensive about sex in general? Bar having it on my table when you're ugly and I'm sat there having to watch of course.
Why can't you have a "touch up the hottie" game on your iphone?
Childish prudish types.
Silly app too, make touch up the hottie, it'll be a far more amusing venture.
Perhaps Apple are worried that feminists browsing the app store would spot this app and rise up in disgust, seeing the app store as just another bastion of material objectifying the female form as nothing more than a plaything. But that seems unlikely. They're probably just worried about getting put on the sex offenders' register, for selling material potentially covered by that new law.
Every time I look at the reg now or digg, there is always some boring apple related item.
Someone wrote a program so I can add two numbers together on my iPhone WOW!!!!!!
I mean there was one article where whomever wrote it made out that VOIP on an iPhone was something new that only apple could do and wow thanks so much to our master steve jobbs what a guy.
I am so bored of hearing about every single application being released, every application that gets turned down or removed. Your like BMW drivers. If you put a badge on a turd you would queue up and wait for it and write thousands of blog messages about it.
I see no innovation in anything apple does besides the queer designs that people only buy them for (and to show off). There I said it. Apple users STFU.
I bet i've angered all "el reg" staff now.... since most of them are dimwitted American monkeys that are unable to spell or punctuate and fill their articles with analogies about shooting people and have a vocabulary of about 20 words so resort to profanity every second or third word...and who guess what...... all use MACS (Either because they dont know how to use a PC, or more likely, they like to bitch a lot and make themselves as noticeable as possible - hence why they own a mac)
I don't own a Mac, iPhone or any other Apple device (aside from having Quicktime on my PC).
Can they restrict what you run on a Mac ?
Does Flash work on the iPhone - can they restrict the content of Flash applications (see bounceometer link provided by Gerry).
I would have thought they could harden the OS on the iPhone to prevent telephony fraud/hacking and not have to act as censor. They'll be restricting movies you can watch on the iPhone to PG next...