back to article Sky 'withdraws' from Tiscali buyout talks

Sky has reportedly pulled out of exclusive talks to buy Tiscali's UK operation. Tiscali's Italian owners were unable to agree a price with Sky, according to the Guardian. A Sky spokesman declined to comment this morning. The UK's fifth largest ISP has been for sale since May, and saw its customer base shrink by 37,000 in the …


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  1. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Idiots the lot of them

    You have two choices - BT via your phone line or Virgin Media via their co-ax (it is NOT fibre!) if you live in an area served by them.

    Going to one of these other companies is stupid.

  2. David Webb


    Thats a terrible shame, Tiscali are one of the few LLU's that bother to upgrade exchanges where I live, if Sky had took them over, I could have got free super fast broadband! Get your act together Sky, I'm well worth £600m!

  3. Paul

    Where will I move to?

    A Tiscali customer for a few years now with no problems/complaints. NOT a fanboy, just a customer who has been lucky and not had any problems.

    What worries me is the inevitable changes that will come with new ownership.

    I wonder who I will switch to?

  4. Andy Worth

    Re:Idiots the lot of them

    Attempted trolling = Fail

    Surely nobody will fall for any statement basically saying that BT are the countries best ISP?

  5. Paul


    It's hardly surprising no one wants to touch the Tiscali network, it's a mess and has been since they went on a spending spree to aquire all the smaller ISP's networks. Anyone who'se had to talk to their technical support staff, whether the "Definately Not India, no way" call centre, or the local ones that are still running know that none of the sub-companies have the access they need to do their job.

    All in all, unless Tiscali decided to completely gut and remodel the company, anything more than a fiver is too much.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    Tiscalis biggest problem

    Tiscalis biggest problem is the general public not looking at the bigger picture and putting things into context

    For example. Tiscali get slated as the worst ISP due to the number of complaints they recieve..

    For example..

    Tiscali has over 1.7 subscribers

    now lets say they currently have 170,000 customer that have problems with their service.

    Now lets add to this say.

    Entanet has 92.000 customers and they currently have only 1840 complaints..

    Now the tiscali base with problems makes a far greater noise online than that of Entanet! most people will take from this that entanet are doing a good job complaints are minimal compared to tiscali right!

    And this is where the problem begins.. look at the figures again. and tiscalis number of complaints is only 1% of its user base and Entanet is 2% of its user base!!

    you look at the bigger picture and its not so rosey.

    Now these figuers are completly made up on complaints as i dont have access to the number of issue each ISP has.. but i dobt for one minit that tiscalis figures are not this high as are neither entanet. If anyone working for either or any ISP that has access to numbers wants to post so we can prove this or not feel free.. i'd love to know.

    But my point is.. you always have to look at the bigger picture.. not just whats in front of you. and this is the issue most look at what is in front of them!

  7. Peter Clarke

    Where will I move to?

    Like Paul, I'm a (lucky?) long term customer of Tiscali who has had good service. I wasn't looking forward to a Sky buyout and wouldn't have put my money into Murdochs pocket. Who's best if decide to move

  8. Chika

    But seriously, folk!

    I'm glad to see that Tiscali had some happy customers. I'd hate to think they had shafted everyone the way they did with me!

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Paris Hilton

    Re: Tiscalis biggest problem

    Slight problem with your big statement there... according to your own made up figures, entanet have 1840/92000=2% complainers; tiscali have 170000/1700000=10% complainers.

    Therefore tiscali users complaining 5x as much as entanet.

    Of course the numbers are still made up and completely meaningless, but we get where you were heading even if you weren't quite on target!

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    Re: Tiscalis biggest problem

    Ok so i put an extra zero oops! my figures were correct all beit made up. but it was my typing that was not... :) happens to us all!

    But again unless someone can supply real life numbers we can never confirm this.. but glad you get my drift!

  11. M

    Ah Well providing that they don't

    sell the service to the Carfucking Whorehouse...

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