back to article Dell restructuring puts 2,000 Limerick jobs under threat

Around 2,000 jobs are under threat at Dell's Raheen, Limerick plant as the company reviews its operations. We understand that Ireland's Tánaiste [Deputy Prime Minister] Mary Coughlan and the Defence Minister Willie O'Dea met Dell executives, including founder and CEO Michael Dell, at Dell's Round Rock HQ in Texas last week. …


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  1. The Cube

    Are you suggesting that Dell employ only chavs?

    "regional purchases of hoods and services by the plant "

    And what are the 'services' delivered by the hooded staff? Car stealing, window breaking? Or did this mean goods and services?

  2. Paul Young

    I just made a ditty

    Was I the only one who thought that Limerick and Dell deserved one?

    There was a young guy with a dell

    The computer was built in hell

    The processor died

    The monitor fried

    And the batteries torched the factory as well

  3. Anonymous Coward

    Queue maddive state aid...

    Summary of discussion in Texas: "Give us lots of money or we'll make thousands of people redundant..."

    In fact, what will happen is the Irish Government will give Dell loads of money and then, in about 18 months time (when the recession is still continuing) they'll close the place down anyhow.

    Poland is low cost. Ireland is high cost. Keep the call center in Ireland (for the number of English speakers) but manufacturing has no chance.

  4. Anonymous Coward

    I knew they were up to no good

    "The loss of up to 2,000 wage packets from laid-off workers as well as the ending of regional purchases of hoods and services by the plant and presumed tax payments will have a strongly negative effect on the Limerick economy."

    hoods and services???? Just confirms the truth that dell's irish arm is run by a bunch of hoodies :)

    anon cause of conflict of interest

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Down

    Net Profit for three quaters this year

    Two thousand one hundred and twenty seven million dollars.

  6. Jay


    As Dell begins trimming their bloat

    In a desperate bid to stay afloat

    They feel recession's bite

    But their products are... crap

    ...I think it's time that I go get my coat.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    We have a late entry...

    For best subtitle of the year!

  8. Steen Hive


    Limerick's rise from being one of the worst ghettoes in Europe, to being the most overpriced ghetto in Europe has been short-lived. Ah well, back to hatch 22, Dominic Street, if they hadn't gone and closed the old dole office.

    Mine's the one with "C'mere Sham, I claim yoh" on the back.

  9. Anonymous Coward


    In a Limerick meter is quite

    as important as rhyme is, all right?

    so in future - oh please -

    I'm down on my knees:

    Cease spewing this poetic blight.

  10. Anonymous Coward

    The first of many ... ?

    Is this just the first of many relocations out of Ireland to cheaper locations?

    The government has been kidding itself for the past 15 years or so that we have created a high tech industry base in computers, software and pharmaceuticals. When will they realise is that all we were was cheap labour (for a short while) and a useful, english-speaking, tax-efficient channel for euro-profits? Who'll be next? Intel? Microsoft? Pfizer?

    Will the last company to leave the country please remember to turn off the gas.

  11. Doug Glass


    You wanted a "World Economy"... now you have it. What's the problem???

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