it is your duty... report, nothing more
Amazon UK is currently selling the MP3 version of Prince’s Lovesexy album for the not so princely sum of 79 pence. The online retailer has failed to spot the cockup, which appears to have happened because the Purple One’s 1988 album was mastered to be played as if it was one track. Sources close to the matter tell us that …
Odd. In 1988, when the album came out, it was indeed one long track - very annoying. I bought the tape and then the LP a little while later because it was easier than the CD. But, a year or so ago, for sake of completeness, I bought the CD, and was happy to find that the tracks were indeed now separate, as they should have been in the first place.
That said, it's a brilliant album to listen to from start to finish, so one track isn't all bad, and it's his last really really good album before things went horribly wrong.