UK is a net importer of IP goods
"Intellectual property is central to the UK economy..."
No it's not. UK imports more IP related goods than it exports and the IP related exports ARE TINY. By talking about trademarks they fluff the numbers, but trademarks are attached to goods, and I'm pushed to think of major UK trademarks on goods.... Apple American, Nike, American, Philips, Dutch, Nokia, Finnish, Bosch, German, Revlon, American, Calvin Klein, American, IKEA Sweden, Ford, American, BMW, German, no brands, no computer brands, no devices, no cars, Scottish Whiskey perhaps? Some drinks brands that Interbrew hasn't bought yet?
" and therefore businesses of all sizes cannot afford to be complacent in respecting its value - "
And therefore they can, indeed they would be better off concentrating on their own businesses right now rather than trying to do your work too. The gains to be made by wasting money are so small as to be unmeasurable.
WHQB / WHQH Motion picture and video production export 165 million, imports 208 million, DEFICIT (0.25% of exports)
WHPX / WHQD, Software consultancy and supply, exports 23 million, imports 41 million, DEFICIT (0.04% of exports)
Same across the board, deficits in all IP goods and the value of IP related goods is tiny compared to exports.
Another thing, if ever you wanted to see the effect of NuLabour attack on the IT industry and all that sh*t they pulled with pensions, IR35, nasty anti people laws, see the IT numbers.....
Software & service: 2005: 555 million, 2006: 397 million , 2007: 132 million
i.e. UK exports tailed off as IT industry moved out until you fell into deficit. Just think for a second, if you are an IT professional earning 100k a year, and you left the UK, you would be 0.076% of UK exports lost..... a bigger portion than the 0.04% UK software is to UK exports.
136 million would be only 1360 IT people leaving the UK for a less oppressive country.