The apps are important for me
I originally bought a Palm many years ago to host a database to manage my CDs and DVDs, and I still use it for that, as well as managing my shopping list and other check-list type requirements (Christmas cards at the moment, packing when I go on holiday), and storing and viewing photographs. I use it as an ebook reader, and it is configured automatically to download magazines and newspapers from the internet at appropriate intervals and is very much easier to read than a newspaper on a crowded Tube train, or in a cinema during the endless advertisements. It runs Tomtom navigator and is a very good music player, with most of its 4Gb SD card storing music, It also stores, encrypted, all my password and logon ID data, and replicates it to the desktop for the day my Palm is stolen or broken. It is backed up every day and I could restore all my set-up to a new TX from my desktop backup in 30 minutes if I needed to.
I have resisted Palm phones because they have a smaller display than the TX and I find the keyboard very unappealing, being comfortable using Grafitti.or MessageEase. I have been very disappointed by the collapse in activity on the Palm front, and have occasionally looked at which smartphones may host all the functionality I now have in the Palm, and may migrate one day, if I find one that looks suitable (I am very anti-M$, so don't think I would easily adopt a Windows platform, as I suffer enough from Windows in the office). My ideal device would be a Palm TX with phone functionality added. There is a tremendous wealth of apps that have been developed for the Palm and I wish them well.