Saw the Star Wars exhibit...
I had the joy of seeing the Star Wars exhibit when it came to the museum in my town. Was pretty cool. I was struck though by how cheap and junky everything looked up close. The cockpit light in the Millennium Falcon was a cheap, bulbous LED that had been hastily and badly soldered (although in 76' when it was built, admittedly LEDs were pretty new tech), and I thought the lights on the Darth Vader costume looked like someone's home-brew electronics project from the 70s as well. Of course the props were only part of the magic of the movie's special effects, which turned these objects which could have been made by an industrious high-schooler into the slickest thing we'd ever seen on film in 1977.
And like Gilbert Wham said, I'd have to say that a Nostromo crew jacket would be pretty cool to have.