Re Erm ..... and the Usefulness of Useless Comments dissing OSS
"Erm... are you sure you didn't just opt to import the IE bookmarks and settings? ;-)" ... By Khyle Westmoreland Posted Monday 15th December 2008 23:30 GMT
Erm ... Yes, I'm quite sure to the point of certainty that I didn't, Khyle. :-)
"It's great to know that I'm still making the right decisions banking on MS." ..... By Solomon Grundy Posted Monday 15th December 2008 21:03 GMT
I wonder if Banking and Finance is as pleased with MS/IBM? And if that is a pertinent question, they'll not be too happy paying you way too much for a 34 hour work week ..... which is roughly only 20.2380952380952% of a full service.
I don't suppose you compute "way too much" as theft resulting in way too little elsewhere .... [probably justifying it with an ignorant arrogance to match bully boy comment ..... {Optional alien comment, whenever applicable}]
You could almost be a plant for the modern day version of an altogether different OSS*, for the profile and methodology is not dissimilar ..... and typical of a newbie to the Great Game .... with 80% still to learn. MeThinks paying for that SAP would be Money better Spent in these Taxing Times, but of course, anyone would say that making a future for themselves and you to pose in.
PS. Don't jump to any reckless conclusions which would identify Open Sourcing Software and ITs Covered Operations for they will invariably be wrong or plausibly deniable when right.