Am I the only one....
who thinks its weird to leave used nappies in the car for over a year ?
Representatives of Lisa Nowak, the former NASA astronaut famous for allegedly plotting nefarious deeds against a love-triangle rival for the affections of a space shuttle pilot, have contacted the Reg to point out an error in our coverage of the case. Captain Nowak's PR, Marti Mackenzie, would particularly like to make clear …
The statement says "The only diapers ever in her car were toddler sized pampers, unused, in the trunk of her car that her twin daughters used".
Now, either that statement is meant to mean the nappies were used by her twin daughters, at which point they weren't unused, so it is inconsistent, or, that they were found in the car that her twin daughters used, which wouldn't tally with the fact her twin daughters were four in 2005, so presumably are only 7 now, at which point they shouldn't have use of a car...
Professional in Child Care that is!!
Nappies stink; the longer they are around the more they stink, ANY parent could tell you that!!
To have kept dirty nappies in a closed environment for 18months would mean you could smell the car coming at least 20 minutes before it arrived!!!!!
We place used nappies in a perfumed nappy sack, then place that in ANOTHER perfumed nappy sack; then it goes into a perfumed nappy bin liner and finally doubled waste sacks, and they STILL stink out the bin before the bin men come to collect them!!!!
Paris, cos she can sprinkle baby powder on my bottom anytime :-)
The statement says "The only diapers ever in her car were toddler sized pampers, unused, in the trunk of her car that her twin daughters used".
I read that to mean that they found unused pampers in the car (ie, no smelly leftovers) and they were there for the use of her twin daughters.
"while he was also involved with air force captain Colleen Shipman and possibly his wife"
That would be a 'Love Square' then wouldn't it? Although we couldn't be sure or equality so perhaps 'Love Quadrangle' OR if it extends to more than two dimensions it could be properly described as a 'Love Tetrahedron'.
Mine the one with a copy of Bostok and Chandler in the pocket.
Arrh. He since divorced his wife so perhaps love was absent. I therefore suggest that you retitle this immediately as;
"Relationship Tetrahedron Astronaut Nappies will not trial evidence".
There were NO DIAPERS involved ok !! ? None, nil, zero, zilch, nada got it ? NO DIAPERS!!
OK there were offensive weapons carried with intent but NO DIAPERS !!
This is official from her PR (PR?). So no more talk of diapers as it may make her look bad!
Do the words Hole, stop and digging come to your mind?
Presumably the nappies were intended to cut on down on convenience stops during their fleeing of mentioned Hurricane - although, presumably, seeing as they were unused, the 4 year old daughters didn't in fact wear nappies at the time nor did they use them subsequently therefore the purchase of said nappies was probably down to a clueless husband/father.
"Nowak's lawyer, Donald Lykkebak, has previously said that the nappies in the car were toddler-sized and that some had been used by the astronaut's twin daughters when the family fled Hurricane Rita in September 2005, at which point the children were four. They had then been discovered by the police 18 months later after the airport fracas."
Your article, not mine.
Mines the one carefully shaken, just in case something unpleasant is stuck inside.