Netflix promoting silverlight for a reason...
Just happens that the NetFlix CEO gets nice (presumably well paid) cushy job by Microsoft;
and suddenly they find (unlike others) that Silverlight is the best thing since sliced bread. Coincidence?
Or just Microsoft doing what they do; trying to buy opinion.
The question that NetFlix shareholders should ask, is why use a new & immature technology that will turn away at least some customers (80%+ of their customers don't have SL installed when they hit the site), because their CEO happens to be in the pay of MS?
And the question that I want to know, is if they had replaced Windows Media Player grief with VLC, Flash or other technology, how much better could they have done? I bet they get plenty of 'I don't have SL installed, how can I see the movie on my (Win2k? etc) machine?" support calls
- and i don't have SL installed on my machine - FF 3.1b2 running Vista x64 despite being a developer..