Hmmm .....
I hate to break it to you guys but these aren't actually boobs! They are bits of plastic...
Readers of Oz chaps' mag Ralph are doubtless beside themselves with joy at the news that they will not, after all, have to suffer Xmas without the benefit of a couple of free inflatable breasts. Over 130,000 pairs of Bulgarian airbags intended as a giveaway with the magazine's December 15 issue last week went awol en route …
Obviously they made a right tit of themselves.
At least they got the problem off their chest.
It would have been better to nip it in the bud, though (wonder if that "bud" is allowed what with the KP scare and all...).
Sorry, gotta go, me mam's calling me...
"Initial reports suggested they'd gone missing from their shipping container and were presumably drifting the world's oceans in a vast mammary shoal."
That'd be a sight to see if you were out on a boat and a bunch of those "buoyancy aids" floated on past you.
Hell, if it were me I might just go overboard "accidentally" and have no choice but to grab a few "for my own safety".