back to article Pilots survive night on Hudson Strait ice sheet

Two pilots spent 18 hours floating on an ice sheet after their aircraft suffered twin engine failure on a flight from the US to Sweden, the Sydney Morning Herald reports. Australian Oliver Edwards-Neil, 25, and Sweded Troels Hansen, 45, ditched their Cessna Skymaster in the Hudson Strait, just south of the Arctic circle at …


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  1. Anonymous Scotsman

    My Goodness..

    Unmitigated good news?

    In my Register?


    I wonder what the boat was doing that could be discarded so quickly.

  2. Anonymous Coward

    Cue some snakes

    And you have the making of a holywood epic; probably more plot than most recent remakes of remakes.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    IT Angle

    "After a harrowing night without food or water..."

    You know, if I was stranded on a tiny ice sheet in -20c weather with no sign of imminent rescue, food and water would be the least of my concerns. "Here I am, at risk of drowning in frigid water, in the pitch black on big-ass ice cube... at least this would be OK if I had a Snapple and a bag of Doritos!"

  4. Gene Cash Silver badge
    IT Angle

    Major Typo to ground control...

    Are you sure you have that headline "straight"??

    Anyways, that's a couple of really lucky guys. Beers to the fishing crew all around, I'm sure.

  5. Pierre

    Yes, but did they have Simpsons "KP" pics to keep them warm?

    I'm gone already

  6. Seán


    If they'd just remembered not to feed the Troels

  7. Slaphead

    I hate titles

    Fantastic! With the news as it is today, it's wonderful to hear of somthing really good happening out of an almost certainly fatal situation.

    Big smiley of course.

  8. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Is it wrong

    that I find myself laughing at the phrase "They were crying and all that"?

  9. J


    "didn't have any survival gear, or rockets or flare guns because we didn't have time to get it out of the plane"

    I don't know how the situation was, and don't really want to criticize the guys, but... Couldn't one of them have grabbed some stuff in the time between sending the SOS and crashing? A couple rockets/flare guns or whatnot? Or were two people actually needed to land the thing? (I don't think so, but have no real experience) No watch, FFS?

  10. Badminstyles

    Survival Suits

    I know pilots look smart in their suits but I thought they were just to attract the ladies? Or do all pilots fly looking like this:

    So where can I get me one?

  11. Paul

    RE: J

    I know I've only done basic flight training, but when you've got an engine failure you've got your hands full. The only loose items you want in the plane are the doors, you open them so you can get out... Everything else sure as hell should be stowed otherwise it could take your head off. Between attempting to get the Mayday out, with the details of exactly where they are, trying to get the dammed engines started, and actually picking out someplace safe to touchdown... err ditch. You don't have time for... Hmmm is there a rocket in my pocket. The gear is there you know exactly where it is. You'll grab it when you can.

    I for one think they were dammed fortunate, and well trained to have the "Gahh the plane sank awful fast Im glad im out of it." experience, and live to tell the tale.

  12. Anonymous Coward
    IT Angle

    @ Gene Cash

    For once, the Reg was right:

    You could even say they were in "dire straits"!

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Dangerous Ditching Recovery.


    .....some of the the adolescent comments printed here are beyond disgusting.

  14. G Forty

    Imagine the culinary potential ...

    "Sweded Troels Hansen"

  15. Simpson
    Thumb Up


    Sounds like some real tough guys rescued some other real tough guys.

    Edwards-Neil: Nobody was coming, so we decided to walk home.

    That's the spirit.

    Captain Bo: "They were crying and all that"

    Sounds like it made him regret picking them up. The crying and hugging must have made him uncomfortable. "Geez, it was just an arctic plane crash"

    To the commenter: "I wonder what the boat was doing that could be discarded so quickly"

    Some people regard human life as more important than fishing. Do unto others and all that.

  16. RRRoamer

    @Charlie Griffith

    Why would you expect ANYTHING different on this site??? Adult deep thought it is not...

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    @David Wiernicki

    "You know, if I was stranded on a tiny ice sheet in -20c weather with no sign of imminent rescue, food and water would be the least of my concerns."

    When you are cold, your body burns up energy to keep you warm and toxins are produced as a side-effect of this. The body needs water to flush the toxins out of your body in the form of urine. Put simply: the colder you are, the more water your body needs so it can produce urine which is a by-product of burning energy.

    Here's an interesting experiment for you. Go for a walk on a very cold morning, the kind of morning when even with a coat, hat and gloves on you still feel very cold. Before you set out on the walk, go to the toilet to ensure your bladder is empty. After about 30 minutes of walking, your bladder will probably start to fill because your body is burning up a lot of energy to keep you warm.

    As for the need for food... When you are very cold your body will burn up a muh greater amount of food than normal to keep you warm. I recall seeing a program about some people climbing up a famous mountain (possibly Mount Everest but I can't remember). If I remember correctly, one ingredient in their daily diet was a pound of butter because their bodies were burning up so much energy.

  18. Adam West


    If you hear a mayday at sea you get there as fast as you can. Because next time, it might be you sending the mayday.

  19. Paul

    RE:I wonder

    "I wonder what the boat was doing that could be discarded so quickly."

    Fishing? As it is a fishing boat. It may be law, im not sure, but it is certanly normal that at sea a Mayday call is answerd by anyone in the area, not just the coastguard.

  20. druck Silver badge

    Personal ELBs

    It was absolute madness to by flying in that area without having personal Emergency Locator Beacons attached to their survival suits. Even if the plane has an installed ELB, it wont be much use if the plane sinks. Decent personal ELBs with GPS, which can drastically reduce search times, are under $1000.

    If anyone does have an ELB, make sure it's one which operates on 406MHz as 121.5MHz will no longer be monitored by satellite after 1st February 2009.

  21. Frizz
    Paris Hilton


    It's always good to know that if your lost, your buddies will give up on looking you the first sign of good weather!!!

    Paris...coz ..would you give up lookin for her?

  22. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Case of what?

    "...they'll be getting a case of something from us". Like a nasty headcold, perhaps?

    As for the comment ".....some of the the adolescent comments printed here are beyond disgusting", which ones exactly? And who are you to judge? By which I mean 'shut up'

  23. The BigYin
    Thumb Up

    @Anon Scotsman

    The tradition at sea is: if you can respond to a mayday, you do so without question or hesitation. Even racing vessels must respond to those is distress, the ISAF (was IYRU) fundamental rule 1.1. is:

    "A boat or competitor shall give all possible help to any person or vessel in danger."

    IIRC a round the world yacht scuppered it own race a few years back by responding to a competitor in distress.

    As to the fishing boat, they probably hauled their nets in early/dropped marker buoys and headed for the pilots. Good on them.

  24. Sarah Bee (Written by Reg staff)

    Re: Case of what?

    Everyone's allowed to judge.

    *You* shut up.

  25. Fred Mbogo

    Simpson -

    Indeed. An unwritten law in the sea and in the desert is assisting your fellow man. Not only because its the right thing to do, it also sets precedents for you to receive help should you ever need it.

    A variation on this is the rule that the captain of a sea ship and an airplane have absolute rule when on international waters/airspace.

    It sort of makes sense when you think that you are traveling without assistance and in an unsafe environment, human rights are secondary to completing the journey properly.

    If no one helped each other in the sea/desert, no one one would ever travel at all. l

  26. Roy Ward
    Dead Vulture

    Re: "After a harrowing night without food or water..."

    @David Wiernicki:

    The body uses a lot of energy trying to stay warm, so lack of sustenance would indeed make things worse.

    I was once trapped somewhere cold and exposed for a couple of hours (not sub-zero cold, but it was windy and raining hard), and it was a considerable help that I had water and plenty of high-energy food.

  27. Simon B

    called off all seaches after only a few hours?!!

    "We didn't know they'd called the search off"

    WTF! After hours they decide there are no survivors so call off all searches?!! Nice to know how much effort isn't put it aint it!

  28. Andus McCoatover

    Minus 20??

    Wimps. Fuc*king warm as toast. Here in Finland -40 is not unheard of. Don't try giving the missus a bit of 'How's yer Father" after nipping to the shop for a pack of Marlborough when you've experienced that!

    Oh, yeah, doesn't that show all these piccies on the airline's safety cards of a plane floating on water to be utter bollocks??

    (Mine's the orange flotation one)

  29. Bob Ginger
    Thumb Up

    @Roy Ward


    An office worker in temperate climes will find 2000-2500kcal plenty.

    Meanwhile a single 24h military arctic ration pack contains up to 6000kcal.

    Also, in arctic conditions, "water discipline" is usually enforced. That is to say, soldiers are *ordered* to drink at frequent intervals, as they are unaware of their increased rate of respiration (in order to keep warm) which requires a corresponding increased input of water to avoid dehydration and degraded performance.

  30. John Dougald McCallum

    Survival time in Arctic waters

    The survival time in the Arctic Ocean and Antarctic waters is reconned to be minutes about 5 if I rember my survival training correctly so it is not at all unusual for a SAR mission to be called of of there is no sign (of the plane in this case) found.No wreckage/Liferaft =No survivors.Period....

  31. Anonymous Coward
    Thumb Up

    Thank God for global cooling!

    If Al Gore was correct, there would have been no ice at all.

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