FoxBox looks fantastic
One of your own contributing writers on the JFX preview not more than four months ago:
"The demos available online are similarly underwhelming...find your way through the bizarre website (which obeys no usability guidelines) and you may eventually stumble upon their demos page..two extremely minimal demos...the poster-child demo involves some underwhelming squares being drawn - the sort of thing that could be done in Flash years ago... "
So, now we have a multi-video and multi-audio-stream applet that can be dragged out of the browser, placed on the desktop without so much as a glitch - with respect, it's obvious to me that you're doing your best to blow off the clearly quite considerable advances JFX has made in the intervening months. How about some kudos where it's due, hmm? :)
I was left extremely impressed by the JFX 1.0 demos - looks like Sun has come out of left field to land a serious contender for the RIA devlopment crown.
BTW, now that JFX 1.0 has been delivered, I wonder we can all make an effort to quit moaning/continuing to use "JFX is late to the game" as a criticism :)
ps: screw Flash!