Re: Do you have children?
>Do any of you actually have children? Or are you simply trying to justify your own game preferences and upbringing through ridiculing this attempt to inform parents?
Yes, and this is not required, all these games have ratings, which irresponsible parents ignore, it only serves to distract from the religious abuse of their own children (anti gay, anti choice, fear etc.).
>For the uninformed out there, children are highly influenced by everything they see, hear, do, eat, drink etc.
Which is why religion tries to "get them early" and brainwash them to remove personal control and choice, indicating prescribed sins like homosexuality, smoking, abortion.
>So the fact that children are influenced by computer games (just as they might be by a book or a film) is indisputable
What do you mean by influenced? I've read "The Female Eunuch" (but I'm not a millitant feminist), I've probably read more of the Bible OT/NT than most Christians (including of the original Hebrew texts, some Torah, Talmud, Quran) and I'm an Atheist - more so because of the reading, I also play counter-strike but have never been a "real" terrorist and killed anyone, I've also never had the urge to kill anyone (and I legally own weapons), I guess the only influence I have had from counter-strike is that my reactions are above average for my age.
From early 80's research onwards there has been absolutely no link found between violence in games and violence in children, a violent child may gravitate to a violent game (but this is not cause and effect), almost every child - even very young will know a game is not "real" and their minds deal with this with logic.
Did Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold kill all the people at Columbine because of Doom? or was it to do with gun laws, social exclusion, american culture, anti depressants and the slack way that the death threats were dealt with?
And let us not think for a moment about the hipocracy of all this "faith" based moral direction, the priest who in one breath says you'll go to hell for wearing a condom and in another sexualy abuses children, get your own house in order first.