back to article Oz MPs 'could be breathalysed'

New South Wales MPs "could be breathalysed before voting" following a series of incidents which have led to suspicions that the state's politicos are sometimes less sober than their jobs demand. According to the BBC, the idea gained much favour earlier this week when National Party MP Andrew Fraser - who'd earlier enjoyed the …


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  1. Lionel Baden


    It would not be a bad idea to have a little more control over the goverment.

    I know whilst gaming i sometimes shoot the wrong team when sozzled how hard would it be vote for the wrong team ?

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "andrew stoner"


  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    A sober aussie?

    Isnt that a sign for armageddon?

  4. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

    The world would be a better place if ...

    ... politicians were often too drunk to vote on anything.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Well ...

    They may be drunk politicians, but they're OUR drunk politicians. At least they're not shoving ID cards and schoolyard fingerprint machines down our throats. So, if getting sozzled is the difference then beers all round, I say.

    Where's the "Piss on the Union Jack" icon when you need it?

  6. Anonymous Coward

    @Well ...

    " Where's the "Piss on the Union Jack" icon when you need it? "

    Right behind the "Our country was founded by convicts" icon

  7. Anonymous Coward

    Dangerous talk ..

    The prospect of sober pollie's is frightening. Having them awake and alert through Parliamentary sittings could results in one of them having an idea. Better they stay pissed and clueless as we expect them to be.

  8. Anonymous Coward

    Pommy joke warning

  9. Anonymous Coward Silver badge
    Anonymous Coward


    The voters have the remedy in their hands at election time, and I suppose that the legislature itself can vote a censure if need be.

  10. Pete
    Paris Hilton

    @Right behind the "Our country was founded by convicts" icon

    You're forgetting that your beloved royal family are the product of hundreds of years of incest.

    Paris, because if i was her brother...

  11. Francis Boyle

    re: @Well ...

    That'll be the "our country was founded by heroic revolutionaries who gave the finger to the functionaries of a tyrannical and out of touch government icon" thanks.

    Maybe you'd like some of us to come back and help you with your current problems

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Our policiticans ......


    But on the other hand your pols are trying to restrict info to your country by a Chinese Firewall, so they are no bargain either.

    And you have elected some doozies in the recent past, Pauline Hanson springs to mind

  13. TeeCee Gold badge

    Struck by the irony.

    I found the concept of getting an authoratitive quote on pissed-up politicians from someone called "Stoner" rather amusing meself.

    Presumably the actual quote went something like: "Hey man, I didn't know he was drunk, you know? I mean, like, it's not all bad. You need to relax more and kick back.............hey, is that Elvis over there with the pixie people?"

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Dead Vulture

    Polly Pissos

    If you drink then legislate you are a bloody idiot!

    For UK users the campaign was "if you drink then drive......"

  15. Chris Hunt

    Obligatory Monty Python reference

    This term I don't want to catch ANYONE not drinking...

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