what did they do wrong exactly?
Zen Internet has apologised for including a link in its latest newsletter to a website hosting a "find your nearest BNP member" search box. The business ISP sent its members the newsletter yesterday with a link to a Google maps mashup which allowed you to search for the nearest BNP member to a specific postcode. Although not …
It was very easy to find the full list of course and as a black person living in Manchester I was very interested to do an extensive search of the list for 'manchester' using the 'find' function in notepad.
From my search, I deduced that I probably wouldn't be on too many peoples christmas card list in certain parts of Salford and that I should probably refrain from walking around at night too much in Urmston, which is pretty close to where I actually live.
Of course there are a fair number of people on the list who shouldn't be there (even one or two who simply phoned or wrote to the BNP to complain about their dodgy activities!) and that is unfortunate and totally the BNP's fault but I think it gives you a useful albeit basic idea of the 'views' in a particular area....
"Although not as bad as linking to the whole list, the blunder was a likely breach of data protection law."
How is linking to a search engine any different from blaming Google for people being able to search directly for the list?
Sure, they probably shouldn't have done it, but I can't see how sending a link to an external site breaches data protection when searching for something does not...
I had a few good laughs looking at the blogspot thread on this topic, but obviously, there are some key peices of slang I need explained. primarily 'NWN', 'Reds', and 'Rebels'.
I'm also confused on how 'anti fascist scumbag' is an insult. I would thank anyone who threw that in my face.
'there are some key peices of slang I need explained. primarily 'NWN', 'Reds', and 'Rebels'.'
'NWN' is the North West Nationalist blog - a bunch of rabid nazis, though anti-BNP (at least a BNP that is led by Nick Griffin)
'Reds' is a reference to anyone who opposes fascism. I'm not particularly red but it's a label I'll happily wear if it tags me as against the BNP
'Rebels' is a reference to a major dispute within the BNP last December, which saw dozens of members resign, loads sacked and the formation of a group of rebels gathered around former party officers who had been booted out.
Ketlan (admin at Lancaster Unity)
Orclev> The British National Party is Britain's fastest growing political party who aim to stop the ethnic cleansing of the native British population through their zero immigration policy. They expose the anti-white racism prevalent in our marxist-run mainstream media. They are on the receiving end of a continual barrage of insults and lies because they tell the truth and consequently their political opponents can never win an argument against them. If you wish to find out more then visit their website which is by far the most popular web site of any British political party: bnp.org.uk.
Anyone that is ill-informed about the BNP; consider the fact that the only person here that has posted defending them has chose to remain anonymous.
The main poster attacking their flimsy objectives however, has not only given us a username - but also the name of a blog he helps maintain...
Need I say more? They are a vile and hate-filled organisation that masquerades as a political party. Nothing more needs to be said on the matter.
Orclev, hopefully this 'official' statement will give you an idea of the kind of delusional, joyless halfwits that the BNP attracts.
How dare you people use the term 'ethnic cleansing' in reference to British people. Where are the concentration camps full of starving white people? Where is the armed extermination of white children or the systematic rape of white women going on? What you actually mean by ethnic cleansing is that you now live in a street with a black family three doors away. How terrible for you. You must feel as if you're under siege.
And do you really believe that Britain has a 'marxist-run mainstream media'? You do?!? Really?? You actually think that people like Rupert Murdoch, Lord Rothermere and Richard Desmond are reds who want to seize control of the means of production and institute a proletarian uprising? I've got a newsflash for you - they've already got control of the media and they didn't need a glorious ten year plan to do it. They also hate uppity workers and would take a very dim view of the government seizing their assets in the name of the state. In fact, if there was a Marxist revolution in Britain tomorrow, these guys would be among the first up against the wall. But you still want us to believe that the British media is controlled by Marxists?
Why don't you just admit it - you hate foreigners. In fact, you hate everyone who isn't exactly like you, especially if they have darker skin. But even if you woke up one morning and everyone was suddenly exactly like you, you'd find something else to take your barely-concealed self-loathing out on - like trees or traffic lights.
"What Arse gravy of the lowest order"
As I said, "a continual barrage of insults", more typical of those who are losing an argument.
"Anyone that is ill-informed about the BNP; consider the fact that the only person here that has posted defending them has chose to remain anonymous."
Perhaps that's because of state oppression by the Labour party against their ideological opponents and threats of physical violence by left-wing thugs? Indeed the majority of people are ill-informed about the BNP because their views are based on the extremely biased coverage of the mainstream media. The ratio of pro/anti posters in a forum is irrelevant, though it is hardly surprising given that we live in a society where people live in fear of being accused of racism. Revealing the truth is what matters, giving voters the opportunity to make a well-informed decision.
"They are a vile and hate-filled organisation that masquerades as a political party"
The BNP ARE a legal political party. The BNP does not advocate hate, as has been established many times when BNP members have been wrongfully arrested based on false accusations by the left. BNP members actually CARE about the future of this country and it's native people. What you might interpret as hate is in fact well justified criticism of how this country is governed by the present regime.
"Orclev, hopefully this 'official' statement will give you an idea of the kind of delusional, joyless halfwits that the BNP attracts."
This is not an 'official' statement, it is just some facts and an opinion. The only delusional people are those who think immigration is of net benefit to this country. The truth is that the majority of Britons have a lower standard of living due to immigration. It only benefits recent immigrants seeking a better living and a wealthy minority who profit though paying lower salaries and receiving rental income from them. This country is dependent on food and energy imports, has insufficient housing stock (with many areas threatened by flooding and potentially by sea-level rise), an ever growing number of unemployed, an increase of exotic diseases, just for starters. All of these are aggravated by mass immigration.
"How dare you people use the term 'ethnic cleansing' in reference to British people"
How dare I? Sorry, I'll just sit here quietly and not complain while the greatest crime in British history is enacted against our people. Yes we are being ethnically cleansed from our homeland. At the present rate of ethnic cleansing the native population will be a minority by 2050. Unfortunately it's legal to ethnically cleanse a population by using mass immigration so our successive pro-immigration governments can get away with this crime against humanity.
"What you actually mean by ethnic cleansing is that you now live in a street with a black family three doors away. How terrible for you. You must feel as if you're under siege."
The presence of an small, peaceful ethnic minority does not bother me, however I would not want to live in a community where I am in an ethnic minority. Neither do most immigrants which is why they usually settle into their own ethnic communities.
"And do you really believe that Britain has a 'marxist-run mainstream media'?"
Marxists hold positions of influence in our national media, and they extol blatant lies and disinformation about the BNP. Most anti-BNP propaganda is produced by them, or with their assistance. It seems that it's OK for the BBC to broadcast the opinions of those who advocate violence against BNP supporters, but have a no-platform policy for the BNP.
If people don't think they are brainwashed by marxist propaganda they why is it considered "imperialist" for ethnic Europeans and their descendants to rule a foreign ethnic group's country, but "progressive" for an non-ethnic European to hold a position of power in our homeland? Ethnic Europeans who support an ethnic-minority candidate thinking they are being anti-racist are brainwashed since in fact they are voting for imperialism. Remember Gandhi and Mandela were not colour-blind: they opposed having their countries occupied and ruled by people of foreign descent. That is precisely what the BNP advocates too.
"Why don't you just admit it - you hate foreigners"
Neither I nor the BNP hate or advocate hatred against anyone. Nor do we view one ethnic group as intrinsically superior or inferior to another. However we are not "colour-blind" and acknowledge that humans have evolved into different races with different cultures. We believe this ethnic and cultural diversity should be preserved rather then destroyed through integration. We also believe every ethnic group should have the right to self-determination. Countries where one ethnic or religious group holds a clear majority are typically more peaceful and stable than those where no group has overall control. Hence we are against multiculturalism.
"Here I was thinking that the Reg was the home of intelligent, fair minded people but it looks like some skin-headed bigoted fascists have sneaked in with the humans."
In what way have I shown myself to be unintelligent and not fair-minded? I am not a skin-head. Indeed the majority of BNP members are ordinary members of the public who are concerned about the future of this country. On the basis of evidence they have chosen not to believe the government's propaganda on immigration. So you are accusing me of being a bigot then retort with a suggestion that I am sub-human? As I said, "a continual barrage of insults".
"I was wondering what the smell was"
Again, "a continual barrage of insults" rather than rational discourse. I'm quite used to this abuse from my fair-minded, non-bigoted opponents of immeasurably superior intellect.
I'm sorry, but anyone that decides that a country can be populated only by by people with a certain set of accidental characteristics seems to be desparately insecure and misguided. The idea reeks of fear of the "other" and a sense of inferiority. Whilst I will always support your - and any other individual's - right to say what you feel, I can never agree with you on this. Skin colour, place of birth, or whatever random accidental difference by which anyone wishes to judge others speaks of ignorance, not enlightenment - which seems to be how you characterise the "progressive" view of the BNP.
The basic problem for me with BNP ideology stems from the fact that they think that it is possible to decide who is "British" based on .... well, what? Almost everyone in Britain has ancestors that came from somewhere other than this sceptered isle - the big four are France, Germany, Scandinavia, and North Africa - but there are few countries in Europe and the Middle East not represented at some point in history. How does anyone set an arbitrary date before which you are have "foreign" genes, but are still British? It is impossible. All we are seeing now is the same as the Anglo-Saxon, Viking, and Norman colonisations of the British Isles.
I'm also very concerned about the compulsory breeding programme that would have to implemented for us "pure-bred" British people - how exactly would that work? After all, the only way all those people that are sent "home" can be replaced is by having babies at a significantly higher rate than we are. What implications does that have for those who either cannot or do not want to reproduce either at all, or at the "required" rate? Shipping out to conception camps, perhaps?
It is part of life that things change - embrace the change, think more in terms of "people" not "nationality", and I can guarantee you will be happier. Use your passion to fight for something that really matters, such as genuine justice and the restoration of civil liberties (such as getting rid of the ridiculous political correcteness that prevents people saying what they want), and we could be friends.
I hope you do not see this as more insults, and I look forward to your comments.
* Regretfully AC because there are a number of people on that BNP list a bit too close to my home, and I have spent too much time in hospital lately.