Wakka Wakka
I have sucessfully identified the portion of the graph that resembles Pac Man.
The number of Windows users surfing the web fell below 90 per cent for the first time, making for Microsoft's biggest market share drop in the past two years, according to new statistics. Net Applications, which compiled the November data based on the sites it monitors, reports systems running Windows during the month was 89. …
At this rate, playstation3 will have a 95% market share in just 28 months. Once news of this gets out, I expect shares of Sony stock to quintuple.
On second thought, it doesn't make sense. For PS3 to reach a 95% market share in just 28 months, we would need to assume that the current trend will continue unchanged into infinity... I'm sure that the people who buy and sell stocks for a living are reasonable people, who would know that past statistical data does not guarantee future performance.
On third thought, I expect shares of Sony stock to go up 10x.
Your first line is unjustified from that info. The number of Windows users could have risen, but if the number using a different OS to surf rose faster (iPhone and netbook users?) then the Windows percentage would fall.
Given net use is still rising, I find it hard to believe actual Windows use fell.
I personally refuse to upgrade to windows vista. Microsoft stopped supporting XP or at least my version of XP. I purchased this computer im on right now simply because I didn't want to spend $300 on a new XP cd (because I lost the OS CD for the gateway I purchased and gateway refused to do anything about it). Once I get bored with XP Pro, i'll be going to CentOS linux as my desktop.
Credit goes to the defunct Packard Bell. When I lost my windows Diskettes (13 or so) they sent me new ones, no questions asked, no warranty contract, it was a Packard Bell and they supported their brand.
I find all these new windows versions to be nonsense and a ripoff and im also insulted that windows cost less in some areas. It's bad enough we have wealth re-distribution as it is, im not paying 300 for something when someone else is going to pay 150.
See ya Gates!
In the same room, I've got my PC which I use Firefox on, my wife's PC which she uses IE7 for her browsing needs (no matter how much I've tried to get her to change) and the PS3, which obviously uses its own browser.
Nice round figures, there, but it's not an address you'd try to market to.
At least none of us use Safari.... *flees*
If the long term trends continue, then 2009 will be the year that Linux breaks through the 1% mark (and Mac usage will also break through 10%). And it may go quicker than that, even, with the Small, Cheap Computers that are seemingly becoming commonplace.
No wonder MS are accelerating Windows 7 - I'm sure there'll be a Lite mode to go on those laptops to try to squeeze out Linux, is it all too late?
It would be interesting to see if petrol consumption market share has moved away from family cars and towards executive cars over recent months. In a recession, it's the people with a low amount of disposable income who will cut back first. Just as struggling working class families will try to reduce petrol use where middle-class families will not have to, so owners of cheaper computers (ie Windows computers) will need to cut back on internet costs where wealthier Mac owners can afford to carry on as usual.
I predict that when the recession ends, there will be a splurge on low end PCs and a big increasing in surfing amongst the working class demographic, leading to a move back towards Windows based surfing in the stats.
Perhaps during Thanksgiving Windows users are off celebrating with their families, leaving the Internet free for the lonely Linux/OS X nerds to capture a larger share as they tuck into their family-sized bag of turkey-flavoured Doritos.
I bet a Tux filled with sage stuffing would be mighty tasty.
It's cool that the chart resembles Mario (or was in Luigi? which one was the girl?).
However the stats are wrong, these are stats about who accessed the INNERNET, not what OS is on the HDD. Only 10% of people with a computer bother connect to the innernet anyway, and even then it's just to check emails, which isn't really the internet at all (different protocol).
Linux has a much higher share than 1%, but linux users are stealth and cannot be detected using statistics.
However the stats are wrong, these are stats about who accessed the INNERNET, not what OS is on the HDD. Only 10% of people with a computer bother connect to the innernet anyway, and even then it's just to check emails, which isn't really the internet at all (different protocol).
Yes the stats show what OS people were using when connecting to the Internet - that's what it was about, not OS proliferation in general.
Email still connects to the Internet - just not the World Wide Web, unless of course it's web-based email (as opposed to POP3)... which for home users is probably the majority of people.
Hey ho - 78% of statistics are made up on the spot anyway.
It's just we understand our machines and how to secure our machines from prying eyes like these, additionally due to the narrow minded, short-sighted developers, we have to constantly mimic a Windows machine's agent signature so we can get onto these wonderful Windows-standards based websites!
'scuse the pedantry Dan, but isn't the use of per-cent based on the fact that we are use a decimal system.
So your 131 actually becomes roughly 70 over 100 (where 100 = 77+1) (all OCT).
but it's not per cent, as cent refers to a decimal value.
I await with glee the etymologists along to tell me what per 100 is called in Octal.
Mines to one with the TI Graphing calculator in one pocket and tissues for the nose bleeds in another,
This post has been deleted by its author
How were these stats correlated - I know plenty of linux geek, sorry, guys who have tweeked their browser to look like a windows based system so they can actually be given the html they requested. Linux may well be over 1% or maybe not ..
also is a windows user who does twice as much surfing as a linux user twice as prominant in the stats??
And yet, I'm not. I've had a PS3 for a month or two now and the browser really is absolutely excellent. It's now also the fastest method of getting online for me - including my smartphone. By the time any other device has booted the browser, I'm already checking my e-mails with the PS3. Love it.
This site http://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_os.asp shows Linux at 3.8% and Mac at 5.5% (based on browsers alone I believe, not other internet connections). What amazed me was the FF penetration, so I think these results might be skewed towards the more tech-savvy.
Nice summary of various stats here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usage_share_of_desktop_operating_systems
89/100 (decimal) = 0131/0144 (octal) ~= 00.7075 (octal). So 89% (decimal) is only 70 'percent' in octal; but note that the largest fraction you can have is 0.7777...
89/100 (decimal) = 0x59/0x64 (hexadecimal) ~= 0x0.E3D7 (hex),
89/100 (decimal) = 1011001/1100100 (binary) ~= 0.11100001 (binary).
If current trends continue, a 11.1 'percent' market share sounds about right for Windows 9 (or whatever it gets called). Now if you'll excuse me, I think I need a lie-down after all that long division.