We don't want a beta version of MySQL
The excuses coming from Sun re: a beta version released as "GA" are sad and pathetic.
I for one require a database without 'issues'.
MySQL creator Michael “Monty” Widenius has gone on a noisy rant about last week’s release of MySQL 5.1 because Sun Microsystems has unleashed the database even though it still contains “fatal bugs”. Sun made the popular open source db generally available (GA) last Thursday following months of development. By Saturday Monty was …
What, no Sunshiners posting links to unknown bloggers refuting any idea that Sun could even think of releasing a buggy bit of software? No squealing that anyone questioning The Great Jonathan's Legendary MySQL just must be a working for a competitor? Maybe they they're all too busy reading through their P45s....
life is far more fun, when you cannot be sure the data is going to be stored as intended, or that you will always have access when you need it.
People need to lighten up, generations before us got by without databases, so there is a glitch here and there, the world is not perfect, that is one of the charms :)
For those who just want a database to work, you know the cool kids, there is postgresql, but hey where is the fun in that.
Twatt... I mean Matt... is just sticking up for his chosen god, HP. He is a HP fanboy, so you can't really blame him for not being very open minded or logical really... He has biases just like anyone else. I'm sure there were actually Irix fanboys at one time or another... I know, I know, comparing Irix to HPUX is an insult to Irix.
Of course he may just work for HP, which would explain his lack of logic and constant inability to think critically.